Saturday, August 9, 2014

Some claim that the Compass and Square is a veiled cupcake boxes Star of David. cupcake boxes This

Corporate logos Illuminati | Hikmatun
Logos above are among the corporate logos / Illuminati-owned companies. This time let's search for the meaning behind each of these logos. Contained cupcake boxes within corporate logos are symbols that represent aspects of Masonic ritual.
Compass and elbows / The Compass and Square cupcake boxes - Perhaps it's a symbol of the most recognizable and enigmatic of all symbols of Freemasonry. Three Light Large (Three Great Lights) in Masonry is the Bible, angles, and Compass.
Bible is the only guide to the new members. G "is really a corruption of, or perhaps a substitute for, the letter Hebrew / Hebrew y (yod), which is the initial of the name can not be described." "The letter G conveys to the minds of their brothers, the idea of God / GOD and Geometry. "Enclosed in a triangle, it is a symbol of the Unity of God, known as the" Great Architect of the Universe cupcake boxes "/" Great Architect of the Universe ".
Some claim that the Compass and Square is a veiled cupcake boxes Star of David. cupcake boxes This makes sense to remind cupcake boxes relationship with the Templars. Some are saying that it is a symbol of sexual union. Freemasons claim they are symbols of nature alegorik membership in moral education, which brings us to the square field.
Cube / The Cube - In Masonry you will be working from the rough ashlar to the perfect cupcake boxes ashlar. To a Mason, the rough ashlar "is a symbol of men in a state of ignorance. But if the perfect ashlar be, in reference to the manner of preparation, considered a symbol of the social character of Freemasonry, then the rough ashlar must be considered as a symbol of the profane cupcake boxes world. In this species of symbolism, the rough and the perfect bear the same relationship to each other as ignorance does to knowledge, death to life, and light to darkness. Rough ashlar is the profane, the perfect ashlar is the initiate. "Mackey's symbolism of Freemasonry (p.323)
Sun rise / The rising sun - Worship the Sun is "the most ancient of all superstitious beliefs. This happens especially in Phoenicia, Chaldea, and Egypt, and traces of it have been found in Peru and Mexico. Its influence felt in the ancient mysteries, and abundant allusions to it are to be found in the symbolism of Freemasonry. "Albert Mackey" symbolism of Freemasonry (p.362). The sun sign known as a certain point within the circle, cupcake boxes according to Mackey, was undoubtedly derived from the case of gender.
Bill Clinton announced on Y2K, "It cupcake boxes is the Rising cupcake boxes Sun!" Indeed, in the past, became a symbol of the Egyptian god, Horus. It is thought by some, to represent the new era of Aquarius and the arrival of new radiation from the galactic core. "The Golden Dawn". Worship of the sun has become the focal point for most religions. The swastika is a symbol of the sun, but have you ever wondered why Hitler used the swastika?
Rectangular dipping / The Canted Square - the rituals of occultic orders, such as the Freemasons, it is required that the candidate circle the altar of the lodge in a particular manner. It is called circumambulation. Circumambulation is the practice of "... making a circuit about a thing or in an area of reverence ..." In Masonry, circumambulation involves the making of a circuit around the Lodge, while keeping the right hand toward the altar. cupcake boxes "The ceremony cupcake boxes is a symbol of the apparent daily appearance of the sun, and was undoubtedly derived from the ancient sun worship."
"During the circuits cupcake boxes of the lodge room, Corners should be squared cupcake boxes in accordance with the ancient tradition of" squaring the lodge ". Further, the Entered Apprentice during your initiation shall proceed to the northeast corner of the Lodge three times during your the circumambulation, the Fellowcraft during your passing shall proceed there four times, cupcake boxes and the Master being raised shall proceed there five times.
Proposition 47 Euclid / The 47th Proposition of Euclid - known as "amazing proposition which is the foundation of all Masonry." It is also known as the Pythagorean Theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem is important in building, and one of its uses is to make room 4 terms. cupcake boxes Builders use the theorem cupcake boxes to square the corners of rooms by using the ratio of the numbers three, four and five. Three squared plus four squared cupcake boxes = five squared. cupcake boxes
This, with the Egyptians several thousand years ago, is a standard and symbol of perfection, and they also make the basis of all their measurements, they see it as a symbol of Universal Nature, the side 4 is Osiris the male principle, the 3rd side is that Isis female principle, and the side

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