Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Anciently, the document photo was one of the biggest sources of profits fotosalon, but the same was

When you design a new passport, driving license or an e-ticket, the visitor is photographed fly lady on the spot, saving both time and money. However, occasionally happens also as a document photographs, such as visas and the most common path for the photo salon. I chose to visit three very different locations - a small ieskrietuvi t / c Origo first floor corridor, one of the oldest photo salons Photo Kolors Mary Street 5 and photo shop with a highly technocratic - Interior Minolta Barona Street, 32nd
Origo shopping center on the ground floor is hidden inside a small photo shop kiosk-like signs with Fujifilm. Despite the fact that the stall wall is leaning a homeless person, right inside there is no shortage of customers - people receive and order photo prints, documents and images made using other salon services fly lady offered. Document photo here you make in 10 minutes at the price 2.50 EUR, but within fly lady an hour of the 2 Ls. Corner of the store is laid Bench, but a small flash is hidden somewhere on Photo frames and albums of the closet. Behind the curtain can hang jackets, along with some small mirror. Pre-empting the seller, I can calmly fly lady prepare and sadūšoties. Sitting on a chair overlooking the Origo hallway, where passers-by are able to look at the photo shoot. Seller becomes a photographer from the counter and pulled a small camera - "ziepjutrauku." She tells them to sit down and nicer to hold his chin, also recommends a smile. Pictures prepared exactly 10 minutes. They can observe nice bright colors, but also shiny forehead and cheeks - reflected flash. If you looks closely, fly lady picture is not sharp enough, but it is not as striking. By studying the newly Photography longer have the feeling that the forehead is slightly stretched - this time because the photographer "zoom" fly lady instead of a simple camera zoom in the face, which is not strictly true portrait photography. (Photo 1)
Near the train station, 5 Mary Street, there is a great salon - Photo Kolors. Although the signboard displayed noticeably faded photo of a woman's documents, the same cabin in a very pleasant atmosphere. This is a great photo and a separate study, which are made with the document image on a white background with a large studio flash units. Although this service is a photographer (not the seller), he bildēšanai choose a small digital fly lady camera instead fly lady of a professional SLR camera. Photographer recommend how best to rotate your shoulders and turn your face. He creates a number fly lady of pictures and I have the opportunity to choose the best. Leaving fly lady the studio, the pictures are ready after 2 minutes. The first thing that catches the eye - the colors are not as bright as the previous salon. Pictures have a slightly greenish hue, but it removes the reddish skin tone. Nothing is overexposed, the face is elongated, fly lady pictures are excellent sharpness. Quick photo document costs U.S. $ 2.40, one hour - 1,90 Ls. If you come to himself at the counter that do not like the photo, photographed again cheaper - all photo document (other than speed) costs U.S. $ 1. Salon offering document images in various sizes - the usual (3 4), an American visa (5 5), black and white, as well as non-standard size, as may be agreed. (Photo 2)
Third place - Interior Minolta Barona Street, 32 - turned out to be the weakest. First, the same had to look for a mirror, the other, no one did not seem to pay any attention fly lady on me when I was ready to bildēties. Served as the background behind the counter swiped projector white background, but I was photographed with a small digital camera that seemed one of the silvery Canon Powershoot models (even this time the camera was held vertically and horizontally), but as the light source fly lady was used for camera built-in flash ( strange that the equipment store was external flash). fly lady After five minutes I was seven at the pictures. They were pretty fuzzy, with pale colors and shiny face. In terms of price, this place was the most expensive - 3 Ls. (Photo 3)
If I have to choose which document photos I like best, the first place I put a photo of Photo Kolors, second place - Fujifilm, and the third - Interior Minolta. Another noted that all the images are different sizes: Fujifilm - 3.5 x 4.5 cm Photo Kolors - 3 4 cm, Salon Minolta - 3,2 x 4,2 cm. Therefore, before photographed, make sure that the image size fits you desired, otherwise may have chopped yourself a chest or head.
Anciently, the document photo was one of the biggest sources of profits fotosalon, but the same was photographing the whole event. Nowadays, this type of service is dying. A good example of this is the Old Town - all I have foregone fly lady photo shops have been transformed into exchange points or other shops. Great Kodak Weavers Street 1 is closed for some years. Because of the digitization of services across institutions and the fact that people portrait pictures have learned to make their own, the need for salon-made photo documents no longer common. And to show my

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