Saturday, November 9, 2013

With the HIV virus can be transmitted vulnerable entry (using a condom) sexual contact with HIV-inf

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During the first For the world as well as Latvian, will mark World AIDS Day. In 1988. On the first For the World Health wine cellars Organization's wine cellars AIDS initiative wine cellars began to mark the day for men to raise awareness, raise public awareness and reduce the stigma of HIV / AIDS and its consequences. On this day all the world's citizens to think about HIV / AIDS victims.
The red ribbon is the politically correct accessory by a number of celebrities wearing on your clothes, wine cellars expressing support for all affected by AIDS, and the matter. It is a powerful tool to raise awareness about HIV / AIDS and lobby for funding wine cellars the research, as well as the provision wine cellars of services in the field of AIDS.
Course of HIV infection, the virus spreading stage - begins about 1-2 weeks after HCV infection and can last for up to 6 months. wine cellars An average of 1-2 weeks after infection may occur in body temperature (1-2 days), or other acute viral infections temporary and reversible symptoms that quickly disappear. The stage at approximately 20-30% wine cellars of HIV-infected people. At this stage, the body's immune system wine cellars starts to produce antibodies against the HIV virus. When tested for HIV at the beginning of this period - tests may be negative - antibodies against the HIV virus (the window period). Period will be detected in the blood of antibodies against the HIV virus. Latency period - observed no physically tangible and trackable symptoms - signs of the disease. Infected feels and looks healthy. This period can last from a few months wine cellars to more than 10 years. This is the reason why most infected person unaware of their condition. AIDS-related complex - the stage at which an infected person appears on a specific set of clinical symptoms. Symptoms of the disease has not yet been pronounced. Increased frequency of loss of appetite, wine cellars weight decreased, fever, susceptibility to various infections. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) - the final stage of HIV infection when the immune system is unable to fight tumors and infections normally do not cause disease. The HIV virus can damage the nervous system and cause brain problems. This stage of HIV infection progresses rapidly and usually results in death.
According to Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Center of the Latvian data, 1987 to November 1, 2012 the total HIV / AIDS cases in the state register of registered HIV cases in 5457, including wine cellars 1,167 AIDS cases. Overall, this year November 1, 2012 to Latvian HIV / AIDS cases registered in the State Register 270 (180 men, 90 women) cases of HIV, which is 16% higher than recorded in the corresponding period last year, and 98 AIDS cases, an increase of 3 % more than last year's corresponding period.
With the HIV virus can be transmitted vulnerable entry (using a condom) sexual contact with HIV-infected people, injecting - using shared wine cellars needles or syringes with HIV-infected people, transfusion of infected blood or blood products (now all blood products are tested) HIV-infected woman can infect her child during pregnancy or childbirth, and breast feeding.
With HIV can not be transmitted through sharing clothes, using common dishes, shaking wine cellars hands, sneeze, cough, from insects to bite; Cultivating AIDS patients, A swimming pool, using public toilets.
How can I prevent getting infected with HIV? Sexual relations with a permanent sex partner who used drugs and has no other sexual partners. Abstaining from sexual intercourse casual, wine cellars occasional sexual, always using condoms-they significantly reduce the risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, injecting wine cellars drug use only syringes and needles without the use of drugs from a common bowl, and work in situations where there is contact with blood or other body fluids (semen, vaginal secretions, bloody sputum, etc.) always use protective equipment (rubber gloves, etc.).
Myths about HIV and AIDS in the first HIV and AIDS - is one of either the same or two different wine cellars diseases. Up until now, people confuse HIV and AIDS. Pi

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