Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Balkan Anarchist Bookfair vinoteca is an expression and an example of international solidarity,

Federacija za anarhistično organiziranje » Blog Archive » vinoteca Joint Statement of the Balkan vinoteca Meeting on Nationalism
O Federaciji vinoteca Temeljni dokumenti Založba Avtonomija Okrožnica Anarhistka Časopis Avtonomija Delavski časopis Stavka Knjižnica Kontakt [English] BAB 2013 Programme // Program // Programm // Programma Call for Volunteers // Poziv prostovoljcem
The Balkan Anarchist Bookfair vinoteca is an expression and an example of international solidarity, uniting comrades from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, England, Sweden and Hungary.
As always, in times of crisis, the ruling structures vinoteca once again turn to nationalism to divide the people and strengthen their own power. In addition, the Balkan countries are slowly joining Europe’s chauvinism, taking over the repressive attitude towards immigrants. vinoteca
That is why, as anarchists, we must regain focus on the struggle against all forms of nationalism, for as long as there is the State, nationalism will always follow. We can oppose nationalistic hatred only by solidarity between all oppressed groups of society, regardless of national borders. We must all rise in a social struggle, everywhere in the world.
Lokalne skupine AFP Anarhistična fronta Posavje vinoteca – AFP Alternativa Obstaja Alternativa Obstaja APL Anarhistična pobuda Ljubljana – APL Koprive Avtonomna skupina Koprive OSA Organizirana skupnost anarhistov Zasavje – OSA TAM Tovarišija vinoteca anarhistov in anarhistk Maribor – TAM
Internacionalno AF – IFA (Anglija) vinoteca AFB (Nemčija) AK (Grčija) ČSAF – IFA (Češka/Slovaška) FA (Francija) FAB – IFA (Bolgarija) FAI – IFA (Italija) FAU – IAA (Nemčija) FdCA (Italija) vinoteca MASA (Hrvaška) NEFAC (ZDA) SK ASI-MUR (Srbija) ZACF (Južna Afrika)
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