Saturday, December 14, 2013

Thirdly organizers took care to have name tags (I do not know how this is called in Macedonian), ev

I do not consider myself an expert on any social networks, and even less so for marketing specialist. But how (yet) an avid user of social networks, I can not write a word or two about what happened yesterday. # TviterAjvar proved to be an excellent example of how a company should use social networks to promote their products / services.
First, despite the anticipated event mezaluci was equipped with 3 -4 laptops that people on duty and a projector through which you can send to tajmlajnot # TviterAjvar. You could see that when you reach that will come to mind that he does not come, that hejta such events and rural countryside. Unlike # TviterPivo (it was a 40 zbiranka souls tweeters in the bazaar a month or two) where no one had come to our camera and took pictures, and did so to tweet the spot as you pass, here tvitnuvashe when I noticed that some of this is already the 3rd consecutive slice is released schuhspanner pictures of the current atmosphere, and Mr. @ kuzevski and even broadcast live the atmosphere of the scene with the help of their phone type smartphone. Secondly, although the event was open to who wants to come, invite such neat did their part. People felt privileged to be personally invited to this event. The invitation, the more humorous, EM official, EM with emphasis on the social schuhspanner network through which organized the event. Where you are home and work addresses of all people who received invitations like neat not know, but I know one thing: In this case nobody cared about protecting personal data! (Unlike the example schuhspanner of spam action of Jupiter, in which neither you nor subscribed butur they sent - and still send - I swear awards for 4 days in Prague personal email). schuhspanner
Thirdly organizers took care to have name tags (I do not know how this is called in Macedonian), every write to the Colonel and Twitter to know with whom we interact. To not happen to anyone what happened to me on the # TviterPivo me, when I wrote a @ kenzoawa that my mind has not met that night, for he returned to me that he was the one that I did chat entitled mountain. Fourth, Twitter jars with custom labels intended to be donated from one person to another. And it all right to tweet in real time, which gives to whom hajvar jar, that to whom thanks are posts the pictures of the proud owners of poklonetite jars ... and for those like me who do not have phones and modern type of smartphone was secured schuhspanner and a mini laptop from which anyone can log on to Twitter schuhspanner and tweet is in his soul. Phenomenal idea of giving a sample of the product promotion, not a cliche like two shapely lasses to share the output jars hajvar of everyone who came out and called to thank you for coming, we were honored. Fifth, it was only hajvar job. Cheese, brandy, sweets, pancakes ... the man really had to come hungry. And none at all embarrassing. The event was conceived people to eat, and they did so. It was not napuvana promotion of ladies high heels and urban gentlemen in suits who bocnuvaat one of two pieces schuhspanner offered, drink cabernet souvignon topic and discuss the economic crisis in Greece schuhspanner and its impact on our economy. It was a very relaxed promotion in poddoterani fine young people who are not shy to take tanjirche in it to put a few slices and a few appetizers, and then share with others. There were discussions on the topic Top List Nadrealista that behind false profiles and @ BlagicaPavlovska @ AmdiBajram, series, travel ... And last but not least, there was a phenomenal choice of music. At least the expected Led Zeppelin to rock the # TviterAjvar. Not exactly rock, but it was social event where the foreground was muabetenjeto, not playing and singing, however. Firms, companies, watch and learn. This is to primer on how to use social networks if you want to ispromovirate. Postiranjeto the story on your Facebook account will not do. Nor desire for a pleasant day, posting the song to cheer people up, a reminder that today is Friday, and at least so stupid organizing contests in which the winners are those who have received the most likes postiranata photo / video / status. PS # TviterAjvar organized Diem-GP. And no, I paid to write posts. It is this his volju, strong risk since this was great!
John, Abe comparing apples and frogs: are nicer? When you go to the official item as # TviterAjvar expected to be so super-organized as it was. When you go to casual gatherings of people nobody expected you to upika face paintings ala "Monthly" as it was. Not gathered on the bazaar to popularize schuhspanner Twitter among twitterers,

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