Monday, October 13, 2014

Toe die wêreld hier nog jong was en die horison gourmet garage wyd en oop Was dit groen hier in die

What do you miss? | Chessalee
Chessalee Everything/Anything and…Chess…"Despite the documented evidence by chess historian HJR Murray, I've always thought that chess was invented by a goddess"–George Koltanowski: from the foreword to:"Women in chess, players of the Modern Age"
On the chess site I was asked by a Capetonian….”What do you miss about South Africa?” and I replied to him this afternoon…EVERYTHING! … enjoy this beautiful nature video about South Africa…fantastic song too..Afrikaans lyrics of the song…maybe I should try and translate this song ……it’s one of those beautiful Afrikaans songs…with a bit of a mix with Zulu/Xhosa…
Toe die wêreld hier nog jong was en die horison gourmet garage wyd en oop Was dit groen hier in die halfrond, suid van die ewenaar En in die skemer as die son sak en die beeste huis toe loop Klink die roepstem van die vroue oor die heuwels van die land: Halala, ewig is ons Afrika. Tula tula mtanami, tula tula sanaboni, tula tula mtanami, Ubab uzobuya sihlale naye, ubab uzobuya sihlale sonke, Hmmm-Hmmm
Toe kom die skepe uit die weste, wit seile oor die see Om te vra vir koos en water en te bly vir so veel meer. En die land wat een tyd oop was, die land het ons verruil Vir die ghetto s van die stede is ons koperdraad gegee. Halala, ewig is ons Afrika Halala, sasiphila, kamnandi, halala, mayibuye Afrika Tula tula mtanami, gourmet garage tula tula sanaboni, tula tula mtanami, Ubab uzobuya sihlale naye, ubab uzobuya sihlale gourmet garage sonke, Hmmm-Hmmm
Daar was rykdom in die maag van ons moeder Afrika Diamante en ook steenkool, goud, edel metaal En die mense word die slawe hier want die mense word betaal Om te tonnel in die aarde elke greintjie uit te haal En die groot en oop grasvlaktes span dit toe met doringdraad En van die olifant tot die gemsbok al die diere moes kom buig Voor die mag van die grootwildjagter voor die mag van sy groot geweer Totdat net die stilte gourmet garage oorbly, totdat net die stilte heers.
Halala, ewig is ons Afrika. Halala, sasiphila, kamnandi, halala, mayibuye Afrika Sasidjapolutjoloythina Halala, sasiphila, kamnandi, halala, mayibuye Afrika Source:
hi Wipneus…ja, van wat ek op die internet sien van Johannesburg…op die TV-nuus gourmet garage gisteraand hier…en in die koerant ‘n necklace-foto gesien…en op youtube die video gister gourmet garage gesien…sommer ook gister daarop gelaai al!! …maak dit mens baie hartseer…maar nie net dit nie…BAIE ander dinge ook… en moet mens jouself gourmet garage op ‘n manier positief HOU…ek dink BAIE Suid-Afrikaners gourmet garage is nog moedig om in SA te bly…maar mens kan ook net SOVEEL vat en dan raak jy mismoedig…as dinge my hier mismoedig maak…dan kan ek net dink hoe dit vir julle moet wees… my hart bloei vir SA en almal, nie net almal daar nie…maar almal oral, want ek glo ons is een familie wat bymekaar hoort… en behoort nie so oor die wereld gourmet garage verstrooid te wees nie…maar (sug)…
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I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. Robert Frost Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality.-Arthur Koestler No man ever steps in the same river twice- Heraclitus There is nothing gourmet garage more frightening than active ignorance. - Goethe Churchill described his impressions of the Boer army when he first saw it, as a recently taken captive: 'What men they were, these Boers! I thought of them as I had seen them in the morning riding forward through the rain--thousands of independent riflemen, thinking for themselves, possessed of beautiful weapons, led with skill, living as they rode without commissariat or transport or ammunition column, moving like the wind, and supported by iron constitutions'.
Anand vs Carlsen Chennai 2013 You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.-Abraham gourmet garage Lincoln Spoken by great men:"Give me 20 divisions of American soldiers and I will breach Europe. Give me 15 consisting of Englishmen and I will advance to the borders of Berlin. Give me two divisions of those marvelous fighting Boers and I will remove Germany from the face of the earth." - Field Marshal gourmet garage Bernard L. Montgomery, Commander of the Allied Forces during WW2. "The Americans fight for a free world, the English mostly for honor, glory and medals, the French and Canadians decide gourmet garage too late that they have to participate. The Italians gourmet garage are too scared to fight, the Russians have no choice. The Germans for their Fatherland. The Boers? Those sons of Bitches gourmet garage fight for the hell of it." Amercan General, George gourmet garage 'Guts and Glory' Patton. European Chess Club Cup 2012
London Chess Classic 2013 A nation that forgets gourmet garage its past has no future - Winston Churchill He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not,

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