Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Since I came back to Puerto Rico end of March, I have been working for the Alliance Française on the

Réveille tes sens – the Perfume Event | Petchie's adventures
Since I came back to Puerto Rico end of March, I have been working for the Alliance Française on the organisation and preparation for an event called Réveille tes sens (Awake or arouse your senses). My colleague, who has also become a great friend, M from Peru, and I have worked wicker basket 3-4 afternoons a week with preparing press releases, writing sponsor letters and meeting with potential sponsors etc. It has been a very interesting project for both of us especially as we didn t have any previous experience of public relations work. We have had lots of fun while “learning by doing” and practising our Spanish (me) and French (M).
The event took place last week with a press conference and two so-called conferences + 3-course dinners at Bistro de Paris , a fancy French restaurant here in San Juan. Our collaborator and co-sponsor from Lancôme told us that we should be very happy with the press conference we had representatives from the island s main newspapers and magazines, plus one TV-station and an English-speaking radio station present to hear the perfumer Christophe Laudamiel talk about his fascinating work as creator of perfumes.
The journalists wicker basket and participants of the event received small perfume echantillons (samples) of the Lancôme perfume Magnifique, and the smelling strips wicker basket were handed out by yours truly during the presentation…
Both Wednesday and Thursday evening Christophe made his presentation to captivated audiences, before we all enjoyed wicker basket a delicious dinner and culminated the soirées with a tombola / lottery. The prizes had been donated by luxury brands and boutiques such as Gucci, Cartier, Coach, Godiva as well as local establishments (a clothing shop, a spa and a fitness centre). It was great to see how the guests were enjoying themselves thanks to our hard work and also to read about the event in the local newspapers .
After having heard Christophe speak three times, I was still utterly fascinated wicker basket by his world of scents wicker basket and fragrances. He referred wicker basket to the book The Perfume, a story of a murderer wicker basket by Patrick Süskind as a bible for the perfume industry not because of the murder story but because it so well describes smells and their influence wicker basket on our everyday lives. I read the book a few years ago, and it is a fascinating but also disgusting story that doesn t leave any reader indifferent Christophe Laudamiel actually created a set of perfumes for the adaptation wicker basket of the book to film and you can read more about that in this blog post* . I haven t seen the film yet but happened to be in Barcelona (representing Paris in the 18th century) when they were filming parts of the film there 3 years ago.
Not the most exciting photo from a film shoot but this alley in Barcelona had been prepped for filming – if you look carefully you can see piles of dirt that were put there to hide traces of modern days – electrical outlets, sewage etc. I don’t know what they did with the still visible electrical wiring wicker basket and graffiti though…
« Wednesday recipe: A super easy chicken & rice lunch Wednesday wicker basket recipe & survey: Spicy Olive oil & sheet etiquette » Actions wicker basket   Comments RSS   Trackback Information Date : June 16, 2009 Categories : Life in Puerto Rico 15 responses 16 06 2009
Åh vad kul och spännande att få höra mer om hur det gått med erat evenmang som ni ordnat och jobbat så hårt med. Jättekul wicker basket att det blev så lyckat och fick så otroligt mycket positiv respons med tidningar allt. Wow, det är mycket man inte kan och inte refelekterat över. Parfymens värld verkar både facinerande och full av saker man inte vet om. Det där med att ta fram en ny perfym wicker basket eller doft verkar vara mycket komplext och ta mycket lång tid. De som jobbar med sådant måste verkligen ha ett enastående wicker basket luktsinne. Jättekul att det blev så lyckat! wicker basket De där inbjudningarna känner jag igen :-) Jag hade gärna gått om jag hade bott på PR.
Desiree, ja, vi var jätteglada över att det gick så bra. Tyvärr var det inte så många som kom på onsdagen men på torsdagkvällen hade vi kunnat fylla en dubbelt så stort lokal! Vi har lärt oss en massa för framtiden, wicker basket vilket vi ska diskutera imorgon under vår utvärdering. Jag ska skriva mer om vad parfymören pratade om, men han menade att alla kan öva upp sitt luktsinne. Kul att höra att du hade velat komma om du bodde här! Kram
Häftigt! Jag läste boken för många år sedan och tyckte den var väldigt bra. Det var med stor förväntan som jag tittade på filmen, men det var verkligen ett stort fiasko enligt min åsikt. Den kändes väldigt platt och jag tittade inte ens klart, den var så dålig. Synd, boken var verkligen bra!
SweFlo, jag har också hört att många tyckte att filmen var urkass. Kanske främst de som läst boken och tyckt att den var enormt bra!? Jag tror att boken är en sådan där berättelse som de flesta antingen hatar el

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