Saturday, February 8, 2014

Back in Time January 2014 (2) December organizing tips 2013 (3) November 2013 (4) October 2013 (3)

on the way home, you began to cry, we sat on a curb at the height, at was maybe three or three thirty and we had been in the cave and drowned us in beer, the others went on ahead and you told me lots of painful secrets and told me do not care about you, but that's not how it works, makes you, you do not choose it. I was pretty harsh, saying organizing tips some shit, wish I had wiped your tears and provide you with long hugs instead. so I took your hand and we did not say a word to each other, just went back Burger Express and purchased organizing tips food for me, I do not remember much of the rest of the way home. I woke up at eight, our backs against each other and I stood up to writing organizing tips your first draft of my exam paper, but were unable to do anything but watch you when you sleep. so I handed the task as it was and crawled back under the covers to be up to you one last time.
iram haq making a movie and it's called 'I'm yours' organizing tips and when you have gone on the airport bus, I go to eline to retrieve my shoes, eat an avocado in her bed and then we go our bodies down to the Bergen Cinema organizing tips and buying Tickets 'I am your'. I have a stomach ache throughout the film, the film can feel so real, so close, so nice but most of all so damn immersive and mentally organizing tips devastating, absolutely sick, I was totally unprepared. I have to keep eline in his hand a few times, cry a little here and there and on the way home begins Bergen also crying, wet asphalt and we have forgotten umbrella, had so many sunny days in Bergen now that we have come out of the routine. I text you and say, yes, you were right, the rain came after you had gone, it washes over this small town that already holds so many secrets and now it wash us clean.
So strange to think that I had almost the exact same experience with a (different) boy crying on the way home from the cave that I did not comforted ... That's just nice that someone else is experiencing the same as me in Bergen. Bergen Bergen organizing tips Reply Delete
"I am yours" ripped my soul also, on so many different levels. I was unprepared. And my god, Bergen. There are so many stories organizing tips eventually. (It is so nice to read others). organizing tips Reply Delete
you write so nice, I'm happy and sad at once. man I've been wanting organizing tips since December move soon to Bergen - and it seems like such a nice town, of course doing it, but my God, sometimes I wish oslo really was the world's navel, and that no one had any reason to to leave here ever. Reply Delete
I've been following this blog long because I found it at random, because you are so nice and write so nice and I love that you exist, but it is strange that you are in Bergen and talk about cave that I work on and burger outlets that are just around the corner from where I live. Reply Delete
I've been following this blog long because I found it at random, because organizing tips you are so nice and write so nice and I love that you exist, but it is strange that you are in Bergen and talk about cave that I work on and burger outlets that are just around the corner from where I live. Reply Delete
Back in Time
Back in Time January 2014 (2) December organizing tips 2013 (3) November 2013 (4) October 2013 (3) September 2013 (4) August 2013 (4) July 2013 (4) June 2013 (5) April 2013 (8) March 2013 (5) February 2013 (3) January 2013 (7) December 2012 (8) November 2012 (2) October 2012 (3) September 2012 (3) August 2012 (4) July 2012 (1) June 2012 (6) May 2012 (6) April 2012 (8) March 2012 (6) February 2012 (5) January 2012 (6) December 2011 (5) November 2011 (8) October 2011 (8) September 2011 (8) July 2011 (1) April 2011 (1) March 2011 (5) February 2011 (12) January 2011 (18) December 2010 (8) November 2010 (6) October 2010 (21) September 2010 (18) August 2010 (22) July 2010 (4)

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