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This entry was posted on Saturday, December 28, 2013 in the category social democracy and vocationa

Michel Abhervé Blog Archive The agreement on vocational tupperware uk training highlights tupperware uk the inconsistency of the employers' organization
We shall have occasion to return to the content of the agreement on vocational training, but want to highlight its role of developer inadequate structuring of business world
Without returning to the absence of a significant proportion of employers in negotiating with the results however concern (agriculture, professions and social economy) we find that the CGPME should not sign this text, for reasons that s 'largely explained by the relationship between the Confederation and Agefos SMEs in the context of conflict between reverted MEDEF and CGPME as explained Marc Landré well in his blog through the article "War MEDEF / CGPME relaunched" relationships
The powerful French Building Federation (FFB) dissociates itself could not be more openly MEDEF which it is a member yet. Disagreements focus on finance reform training, which reduces from 1.6% to 1% mandatory corporate contributions and results, according to the two organizations, virtually removing tupperware uk the pooling financial plan training in SMEs / PMI. "We consider that there is not enough effort to pool funds for SMEs," says Didier Ridoret, the President of the FFB, joining the argument tupperware uk CGPME. The Federation claims tupperware uk to have 57,000 members, including 42,000 craft enterprises is 2/3 of employees and turnover of the Profession.
A UMIH, Trades Union of Hotel Industry, the tone is very similar. This professional organization claiming to have 80,000 member companies, chaired by Roland Heguy also develops an argument tupperware uk in favor of pooling
Through this double major federations reaction raises the question of the capacity of the MEDEF to be what it says, authorized the whole business world able to enter into agreements representative? How can we think that the question of the employer's representative will be settled, at the corner of an order, the legitimacy of an organization that makes this opportunity once again demonstrated its inédaquation?
This entry was posted on Saturday, December 28, 2013 in the category social democracy and vocational training. You can send a comment using the form below.
You must have Javascript enable come to Jamespot 3 comments "The tupperware uk agreement on vocational training highlights the inconsistency of the employers' organization" Chet says: December tupperware uk 29, 2013 at 10:51
A signature on one side (with lower costs) opens a door into another negotiation: the financing of safety, Unédic and the pursuit of lower charges on payroll. Everything after a "historic" agreement on flexibility (agreement says "security" sic!) > Tell us a fafou30 Bad Content says: December 29, 2013 at 21:23
I totally tupperware uk do agree and thank you for these explanations, already tupperware uk lengthy negotiations and an agreement tupperware uk that open other areas of negotiations! > We report tupperware uk abuse Direct Training says: January 13, 2014 at 15:35
Thank you for this article and have highlighted a concern between tupperware uk the MEDEF (which is still supposed to be the representative of the business world) and the FFB! > We report abuse Send a comment
Associate tupperware uk Professor at the University of Paris Est Marne la Vallée, he teaches social economy and public policy in a professional license "Management of organizations in the social economy." He set up the opportunity to take this apprenticeship. It is also involved in the renovated Master "Management integration into the social and solidarity economy" and contributes to the activities of the site EHS Chair of the University, tupperware uk taking particular agenda. Michel Abhervé exercised political responsibility being for over 20 years and Evry elected to the Regional Council of Ile-de-France. He particularly monitoring records for insertion, vocational training and served as President of the National Union of Local missions. He is also consultant and trainer on issues of ESS, integration and social dialogue in the cooperative activities and employment Coopaname and

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