Monday, June 30, 2014

2012 (3) December (3) 2011 (17) December (17) POP 017 - Cleaning the water tank and Reservo

Blog for the exchange of information on standard drugstore, pharmaceutical handbook of good practices, waste management plan of health services, pharmaceutical legislation, among other issues relevant to the pharmaceutical field operating procedures.
Objective 1:. Standardize the layout of the pharmacy shelves, storage and replacement diener of goods. . 2 Areas involved: dispensing area. 3 Responsibilities:.'s The responsibility of the pharmacist and pharmacy attendants all. 4 Materials needed:. Trays, computer, label printer, labels, goods and invoices. diener 5 Procedures: a.. Check goods using invoices from suppliers, checking name, concentration, quantity, lot number and expiry diener date of the products. b. After the conference the tax and freight notes, making the division of the products: prescription drugs (Decree 344/98) and antibiotics, ethical drugs, generic drugs, diener like medicines, diener prescription medicines and related products and perfumes. c. Put the price on goods with the aid of the label and observe the system the price of goods, and, if necessary, update. d. Controlled drugs the Ordinance 344/98 and antibiotics should be kept by the responsible technician keyed in specific cabinet, respecting alphabetically by brand or generic name, separating the drugs from the black stripe red stripe. e. Ethical drugs must be stored diener in specific shelf, diener respecting alphabetically by business name. f. Generic drugs must be stored in specific shelf in alphabetical order, unless it is preceded by salt (eg, ambroxol hydrochloride, enalapril), then it must be guarded diener by the second name (ambroxol, enalapril). diener g. Similar drugs must be stored in specific shelf, respecting the alphabetical order of trade name and lab. h. The OTC and related sales should be stored in a specific location and alphabetically. i. Save fragrance on the outside of the counter, in a specific location, preferably in alphabetical order laboratory and commercial name. j. Check daily for lack of any product on the shelves when it happens, see if there is a product in stock and put back into place because if there is no product in stock, noting the same in the order list.
I will be providing the first complete diener SOPs drugstore, but later will be publishing the Manual of Good Pharmaceutical Practice, the Plan for Health Services Management, articles on laws, among other issues that may be of interest to you.
2012 (3) December (3) 2011 (17) December (17) POP 017 - Cleaning the water tank and Reservoirs ... POP 016 - Conducting Small Dressings POP 015 - Measurement of Blood Pressure POP 014 - Evaluation of Body Temperature POP 013 - Application of Inhalation POP 012 - Piercing Lobe Headset Colo ... POP 011 - Evaluation of Capillary Blood Glucose POP 010 - Revenue Recognition Medicines ... POP 009 - 008 POP Receipt of Goods - Purchase of Medicines POP 007 - Expired Medications POP 006 - Drugs Coming to Maturity POP 005 - Application of Injectable diener POP 004 - Dispensing Medicines POP 003 - Storage and Replacement Goods ... POP 002 - Routine sanitization Pharmacy POP 001 - Routine Cleaning and Hand Asepsis
Measurement of blood glucose Blood pressure measurement Measurement of body temperature Application diener inhalation Application Acquisition injecting drug storage and replenishment diener of goods distributors Assessment Assessment Assessment prescription diener Poster carriers establishment Statement pharmaceutical department Dispensing diener medicines Release revenue Cleaning the cabinet Manual water of good pharmaceutical practice near the Medicines Medicines Winning diener Losers earlobe piercing waste management plan health services Conducting small bandages Receipt of goods Routine washing and disinfecting hands Routine sanitization Pharmacy Employee Training
Health Channel - Highlights

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