Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Mom is at home and enjoy the holiday by cleaning rital in everything old Tavara as they have everywhere. rital A large part of course is such that I and my siblings left behind, that stuff you want to maybe, someday far in the future, look through and laugh and then think about what you really do with it. It's amazing how much stuff there is. And then I still do not rate my family as a family gathering, mainly because the house is just too small to accommodate all Tavara. And my mother will do anything to throw out all the junk, even if she has / had three boys in the house who are working against and retrieve new Tavara the same speed. All these things, and contrary to what to do with the stuff, made me not want anything unnecessary around the apartment. I throw out more than I should, but it's very seldom that I really missed that I threw out. For those who have problems with too much stuff, here are some simple steps that will help you to "declutter" your apartment: Do not buy stuff! rital Especially if they are small and collect a lot of dust. For everything rital you have not used in three years to Emmaus, UFF or similar. rital Your hollow strumpr may be discarded. With everything really means everything, rital Christmas presents, expensive jeans that do not fit and some little nostalgic rital thing that is really just in the way. Do not ask your brother, his partner or anyone else about it to be saved, they always say yes. To delete stuff when they are on job or sleeping.
Like your tips! I like to throw things away and get more space, and completely agree that the little things you should not buy. Completely unnecessary. Unfortunately, my husband is a little Annar Lund person, he thinks about little things such as clown nose (great fun for 3 minutes on vappen) and stress ball (yeah, it offer some of you tube once) and every time you ask if it gets dangerous, is answer is no. Have instead just start cranking out stuff, for int he notices it anyway, like that never needed! rital Reply Delete
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To become a little braver, again

Johanna VS Inspiration means inhalation. It is individual, and can appear in many different ways and

The painting and the table with magazines, the cameracase, the golden sculpture, the barcelona stools, the table lamp, the white pig, the y-chair, the eames rocker, the candlesticks, the green couch and..
Anna G. 20 januari 2011 16:01
Ursnygga bilder! Jag hade ett par av dem sparade förut på min numera kraschade externa hårddisk :-( så det var kul att se dem här igen... Tack! Och den där tavlan på första bilden är så himla cool! Svara Radera
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Johanna VS Inspiration means inhalation. It is individual, and can appear in many different ways and involve different things. This is what inspires me in my everyday life and creative work. I hope to bring it forward. Visa hela min profil
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Sunday, September 28, 2014

3 days ago

Hunt 'em down. Scans settlement after underutilized volumes, find and rejoice. The key word for the hard quest is: just what needs to be available to be. Five vases from our wedding party got together with a half liter travel kettle, Roman pot in ceramics and Fondue set a new elevated position on top of the fridge and freezer and presto fit bread and cereal in her locker. Yet even more indoor toys that will become important again next indoor season will rest in the cellar for a while so they feel funny when needed. And so ends up even more in ants Kassen, the give-away-box and in recycling. And then some sad houseplants sovella are killed to make room for more seeds. Declutter declutter.
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The Beer Can at BKC
3 days ago
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Related Posts 2 things you can learn by Leo Babauta and Eckhart Tolle Bokbloggsjerka August gimi 27

And as it should be, he is a living proof that he practices what he preaches. One need only glance at his blog to understand that he has taken the Zen-technology one step further. Here there are no widgets. Nor is there any comment function. Here it is only the content that is looming and it requires the right man (or woman for that matter) to go ashore gimi with it. Prioritize and focus
Lots of posts on Leo Babautas blog is about how to "declutter" (incidentally, one of my new favorite expression) to prepare gimi the time and place of the important things that really should be done.
I'm hopeless at that surf around blogs, read e-mail as soon as it plingar to your inbox, check if something has happened to players during the five minutes ministers who have passed since last I checked, and so on. I dare not even think about how many hours I throw away every day on completely idiotic things.
Now I have time to certainly read for hours every day, anyway. But that's not the point. I have a variety of projects that I never bothered (read "have time") to grab, but if I would learn to think about and focus on what I'm doing, gimi it would certainly no longer be a problem.
Related Posts 2 things you can learn by Leo Babauta and Eckhart Tolle Bokbloggsjerka August gimi 27 to 30 Free eBooks at Book Depository Find eBook - search engine to find e-books Readings: 14 successful e-book authors will share their top tips
It is an art not to be "distracted" by everything that happens around one that tinkling inboxes. I myself have often phone on silent when I want to have peace and it can become full days sometimes. It has been a övningssak not to throw me over the phone the whole time, but I have learned to think that most are able to hold on.
Yes, really. I have tried to shut down the mail and uncheck all web tabs except the radio and it actually works, but of course it itches in your fingers to constantly check Facebook, etc anyway. Strange that how dependent we can become.
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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Today I want to begin by telling you a little more about Urban Forum fray. I have previously mentio

A blog about organization and storage. wardrobe storage If trying to get home to be a harmonious haven of orderliness. About how to save time in various ways such as by cooking in the crock pot and using routines. Use about FlyLadys concept and write some tips about it. Is also a member of Weight wardrobe storage Watchers and will share my successes and failures as well as recipes and other tips.
Today I want to begin by telling you a little more about Urban Forum fray. I have previously mentioned that this Swedish anvil forum exists and that there is also a incredibly good and readable translation of the 31 entry-level steps in FlyLady concept. I registered on the forums scrubbed and I can recommend a visit there for those interested wardrobe storage in getting started with orderliness in the home but also to get and give support to others who are interested to clear, clean, wardrobe storage tidy, scrub, polish, decorate and Pat a. Jahapp when we were inside on day 11 and day's schedule looks like this. We continue to follow our morning and evening routines as normal, however, with the addition of 15 minutes a day decluttering.
MORNING ROUTINE clothes, toothbrush, makeup, hair Read reminder notes on the bathroom mirror over sink and read a bit on the cleaning forum or email FlyLadys Transform negative thoughts into positive Pick a Hot Spot in two minuterFem minute wardrobe storage room rescue in any room
EVENING ROUTINE Make sure the sink is clean and shiny Hang up tomorrow's outfit Pick a Hot Spot for two minutes clear the mess for 15 minutes each day (FlyLady has added this paragraph in the morning but for me it fits decluttrandet better after work)
What I have called for clear the mess is what is actually called "declutter", you want to read more about what it really means, you can do so HERE Flyladys on page Would you rather read in Swedish so have to scrub your own glossary to FlyLadys wardrobe storage different expression HERE. For those of you who want to read the short version of the meaning decluttering see HERE. On scrubbed forums have translated "declutterize" to "Down with the abundance of stuff." And that's a good description, I think. We have probably all the things at home that you do not really need or that you do not like or that you have laying around just waiting for the judgment to be repaired or that you should lose weight so they where old pants fit again and so on. Yes, you probably understand what I mean. The picture below, which I found on THE RED CHAIR Blog A blog written by Amy as including is a professional organizer, can be a good helper agents in efforts to remove unnecessary items from your home. Decluttering Go through your stuff and ask yourself the following questions: I love this thing? Is it useful or beautiful? I have chosen to include it in the home? Would it be difficult wardrobe storage to replace it if I need it again? Do I have to save it due to legal circumstances (ie, eg important papers)? If I was free from guilt, I would keep this thing anyway? I have used this thing last year? In the past five years? Fit this thing into my own vision of how I want to live my life and how I want my home to look? Yesterday I took a bag and walked around wardrobe storage the entire apartment and sorted debris. In the future I think it is easier if you take a small portion of the dwelling at a time. On the fourth time to go through for example a drawer or clean out the refrigerator. Keep in mind that it is only 15 minutes it is all about. It is just right and something you can cope with even one day when you're tired. And remember that 15 minutes a day for 6 days in a week will be a total of 1.5 hours together! Today's news is that today we are adding a new page in our family binder (Control Journal). This time it's about making your own INSPIRATION PAGE. We take fourth and write down some of our favorite quotes. FlyLady hints that some of her own favorite quote is: You can do anything for 15 minutes. wardrobe storage Housework done incorrectly is still good for your family. You can not organize wardrobe storage clutter, you can just get rid of it. Some of my quotes that I wrote on my inspiration page is: You can have results or excuses, not bothering Replace I want, I'm going with! And finally one of my favorite quotes right now Source: hmhesok.tumblr.com I'm curious if you have any favorite quotes wardrobe storage that offer? Hug Linn
5: 2 diet (17) Bathroom (15) Mixed Bag (37) Bookshelf (3) Recommended reading (15) Crock Pot (20) Family Binder (25) FlyLady (63) FlyLadys 31 Baby Steps (31) Storage (44) Old becomes new (6) Glossybox (2) Room (1) Hall (4) At home with Linn (37) Health (6) Clothes storage (9) Refrigerators and Freezers (6) Kitchen (34) Linen cabinet (4) Läslustan (7) Menu Planning ( 3) Monthly Habit (10) Organization (36) Gift Station (2) Crafts (4) Recipes (26) Clear the Clutter (15) Procedures (40) Galley (8) SMART goals (9) Bedroom (24) Stations-Tips ( 20) Cleaning Box (4) Cleaning Tips (12) Training Tips (4) Laundry (3) Competition Time (3) Under the di

Friday, September 26, 2014

Buckeroomama skriver:

I ve had some intense couple of days for various reasons and just wanted to catch up on everything, and from that point of view the computer was a distraction I didn t need. Now however, I feel almost in sync – at least after I ve posted the package I have postponed for a week. Among other things I ve cleaned my wardrobe and have been airing clothes like a maniac oltu to get a fresh feeling to them even if they were all washed.
And I ve sorted out my favourite jewellery so I ll have it close and handy in the bathroom instead of all over the house. I m famous for placing earrings everywhere, don t know how many I ve lost due to that fact. I ll try not to from now on. Frodo and Sam joined in along the way, they didn t look too impressed by my organizing efforts oltu though.
And hubby has been brave enough to drink coffee in the sun room, it wasn t that cold in the sunshine even though it s still lots of snow left. That sun room is still one of the best investments we ve done to our home, the kitchen may compete oltu when it s done however. And speaking oltu of which, the kitchen people will come home to us on Thursday to measure and so on – wohoo !
  Do you also feel the urge to clean everything around you when spring – and the sun – comes along? I still have much to do, but I can t do everything at once and have decided not to stress it. I ll have lots of time during Easter break since I ll stay home with the rascals.
I was surprised to see your Sunday post. You must have sent the decluttering bug to my house. I spent the better part of Saturday (with a tea break w/hubs) organizing my craft materials. I think today is another declutter day. Woo-who! feels good.
17 mars, 2013 kl. 23:05
18 mars, 2013 kl. 10:46
My house gets neglected in spring and summer oltu when the gardening season starts, so I need to get motivated. I bet it must feel great to have your clothes sorted and aired out. The simple dish for your jewellery seems like it would make it easy to stay organized. It will be exciting to see what you do with your kitchen. Have a great evening! oltu
Hi Tina, it looks rather cozy with the Mr. reading in the winter room. It also looks like you guys are having far more snow than anticipated in March Here the same, and the forecast snowstorms laters. Glad we are inside. Happy Monday sweet friend, Ax
Buckeroomama skriver:
Yes, I am feeling a desperate need to clean and de-clutter;especially, with the adoption on the horizon. Need to make room. Hopefully, spring is around the corner for you. Hope you feel better after your cleaning efforts.
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Oh so fun! What an adventure! I had an English teacher who Långvik a semester in nursing program at

Swedish children have an average of more than 500 toys were. We have heard and horrified us over many times. But I? How many do I have? And yet there is always something new to crave, which I think will make me happy. Several years ago I read a flower in the African desert. What made absolutely the biggest impression on me was when Waris Dirie described how she thought about what she would buy as gifts to their relatives in Africa. It was hard for her to think of something they could conceivably estimate - they seemed to already have everything they needed. What I remember was when the number of possessions to less than ten. Very memorable. In English, the word declutter, kitchen organization which means "to simplify or do away with dips, disorder, complications, etc" - as in the phrase declutter your life. I miss a Swedish counterpart. In any case, I think I am on many levels would do well to do just that. Less gadgets - less cleaning and maintenance. Less concern. I work so that I get stressed both by too much to do and too much fuss about me. A little unfortunate, given that I am a real squirrel who collects me lots of half broken gadgets with the idea that at some point use them in any craft project. When I read last week about the cleaning, I found a few tips that can facilitate the making: Taking a tour around the house and quickly pick up 27 things that you do not need. Tie the bag and discard. Surely you have that I places in the house where the "piles" tend to congregate. Rubbish attracts rubbish (both in terms of ideas and gadgets!) Go through all the piles once and for all. Think carefully about whether you can organize kitchen organization the space in your home in a better way so that you avoid the piles, which of course is often the least aesthetically unappealing. Here is probably the absolute best bet. Obtain three cartons / boxes and fine marking them toss, give away and set aside. Make sure you regularly go over your home and cleans with the help of drawers. Then we just have to make sure that things do not remain in the drawers ... Surely you have lots of stuff that someone else would appreciate it more than you. I'm guessing you know the sites that block and eBay, but have you heard of quite new Bjussa? There donates both individuals and businesses away things they no longer kitchen organization need. And it's completely free to advertise. Today we had a budget meeting prior to our trip to Africa in a month. We will make a number of visits and has begun to discuss what we could take with us as the people we meet are likely to appreciate. The program is not very clear, but we visit a hospice kitchen organization for people with HIV, a retirement home, and probably an orphanage. A colleague of mine has been in the retirement home. There lives 20 old people in a barracks - all in the same room. Them I will be happy to help. Do you want to help - with money or gadgets? Please kitchen organization contact me! mariejusinski@hotmail.com A little embarrassing, but I offer this: A picture of all unnecessary I kept in my jacket pocket. Guess then how much useless stuff I have at home in my house.
Good thoughts! I definitely need decluter here at home. Exciting with Africa trip as well, please tell me more about it at the moment! Who goes? Following a few students with? Curious ... Have heard from A that we have the same topic combo, by the way. Fun! Reply Delete
Yes it probably needs all ... Really exciting with Africa. I work in the health care program, and this is an exchange with schools down there. We are the 20 that travel, including four teachers kitchen organization and 16 students then. We will look at health care down there and learn about some cultural differences. Yes, Annika mentioned it. I have always known me a bit unique - but at my job, we are now three (!) With the same combination! I have only psychology now, so I'm a bit nervous about how things will go with the English in South Africa. Delete
Oh so fun! What an adventure! I had an English teacher who Långvik a semester in nursing program at St. George's Gynnasium when I was pregnant. All schools and programs have different touch or what to say. I do internship in high school this spring and I addressed in some way by that age group. They are rowdy, but it has "won" kitchen organization they are they loyal to my thousand is as yet little kitchen organization experience. High school students are more up in his opinion. We'll see where I end up. Good luck with the preparations and the trip! It looks fantastic! Delete
Minnie Welcome to my world. Here you will find my thoughts about life. I write about psychology, crafts, gardening, home decor, family life and other things that happen to pop up in my head. View my complete profile
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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tips for Succeeding limit yourself! Set aside a whole day not to fix the entire home, but decide fo

Do you think you have too much stuff? Then there is much to gain by clearing away. Many people experience stress when they have too much stuff around him, and it will be harder to clean and keep in order in a home with lots of stuff. Go through all the gadgets and get rid of it, you do not need. Give the other a definite place in your home, for the wrong thing at the wrong place regarded as junk!
Decluttering There is an American sterlite word for stuff that is in the wrong place and dräller: clutter. To get rid of this mess called decluttering. If you google the word declutter get about 1.5 million hits. Many of these links to blogs is just a matter of cleaning up, clean and live a minimalist. There are many different methods of decluttering, but in common is that there are some rules to follow: Away with the things you have not used in a year away with broken things that are beyond redemption Away with things that are not yours, who have been left behind or that you lent Find specific locations for you decided to keep
Tips for Succeeding limit yourself! Set aside a whole day not to fix the entire home, but decide for yourself some time, you will work, or a particular sterlite area, you should clean it. Starting from the inside. If you have a lot of loose stuff in the home that lying around, you've probably also full of all storage spaces. If you make order in the cabinets and drawers first, all homeless gadgets soon to find better sterlite places. Make it fun! Challenge yourself, for example, to find a thing on the day to give away, or see how many things you can clean off in fifteen minutes. Finish! After doing a cleanup, be sure to remove it you sorted out right away. There is a risk that the bags and boxes will be standing sterlite in the way, and in the worst case: they purged the stuff ends up in your home again.
How do I get rid of stuff? Bring your broken or unusable stuff to the dump and sort them by material. The rest try to sell on the block, tradera or flea market. On Facebook there is often buy and sell sides where you can advertise for free. If you just want to get rid of something, you can also write on your wall or in the buy and sell groups that you give away free gadget for a fast take-out. That gets the stuff without having to dismantle the self. You can also donate stuff to charity organizations. But do not send in anything - things that are not likely to agree to sell you may as well throw myself so do not have the organization to do the job for you.
Relapse? When you got started with avpryttlingen so you will get a taste for more. There is something cathartic to do away with stuff, and pleasurable to have free spaces around them. When you are finished, all that remains is to maintain order. To avoid the stuff taking over your home, you can implement a simple rule: one in = one out. When you insert a new thing in their home, then you must rid yourself of another. Besides that you keep the number of things at a moderate level, you will also think of the pictures before you buy anything. Are you thinking sterlite of buying the gadget worth sacrificing something else?
Rearrange easier! | Livåleva writes:
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Become a better runner with Malin Ewerlöf Malin Ewerlöf

http://www.flickr.com/photos/tallkev/4082110101/ Use licensed by Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en) I not only have a lot of things in the closet, but also in the rest of the home. I got tired! I see in front of me that I will be moving within a year, a year and a half, and I already dread the sight of all moving boxes. My goal is that only the finest and most use that comes with once I move. The things I love. Are you like me, I hope you continue to keep up on Wednesdays when I thought tips on how to clear, how to do away with the man cleaned out and minimalism-aspiring agents. Here are some initial tips for those who are not sure how to get started. the container store locations I subscribe the container store locations to a weekly newsletter (via email) from My Simpler Life. I actually do not read the blog weekly but the blade is stuck with me. Beth who runs the blog also publishes a Declutter Calender every year that goes through every corner of the home and should serve as a guide if you feel that you are overwhelmed by gadgets. There is a task to do each day, today is the example "Clean out where you store onions and potatoes":-) the container store locations I like sharing my life between living in myself and in my guy does not carry out these tasks so often, I like more to make a firm hold on the weekend or a night, but somehow encourages me to make small changes. Most often they do not take so long, so if the spirit moves I make any task. In all cases, the weekly sheet from Beth is often quite thoughtful. She always lists seven things to think about, stuff to clean out, to think about before buying. If you feel that it is a pain to get started to clean at home so I can really recommend to follow Beth's advice, or to download her calendar. Some others who have made good start guides are Pernilla who blogs on It's easy being green that made the series "Tired of gadgets" and Angelica the container store locations on Ekomorsan that keeps on with its structured cleansing.
Early in early spring 2013, I stopped to stop buying clothes. It continued into the beginning of the summer. I started at the same time blogging about my clothes peak here and the idea is that the blog in general should be about sustainable consumption, just enough exercise, smart food, smart people, nice things, natural skin care and tips on how to pull themselves together and cleans out all things that just lying around. It will probably also have some thoughts on how to work as a graduate student's themselves. Skrumulte is a word my grandmother taught me when I was little. It refers to a small space or scrubs, maybe a nook in which to store all sorts of debris. I like to think of it more as a treasure trove.
Become a better runner with Malin Ewerlöf Malin Ewerlöf & Kenneth Gysing Wise Blood by Arne Dahl The färglöse Mr. Tazaki of Haruki Murakami Misterioso by Arne Dahl key Mats Strandberg & Sara Bergmark the container store locations Elfgren Hello Green by Josefine Jäger Green Kitchen Stories by David Frenkiel & Luise Vindahl Insurgent by Veronica Roth 12 weeks in a self-healing life of Sanna Ehdin art of speaking with a widower by Jonathan Tropper Call it what you want because of Marjaneh Bakhtiari Freedom by Jonathan Franzen Divergent by Veronica Roth Badskumt of Katarina Johansson Boktjuven by Markus Zusak Core Healthy Family of Ninka Bernanke Mauritzson Life after you by Jojo Moyes We must stop is seen in this way by Lisa Bjärbo & Johanna Lind Pelvic Underdog by Torbjörn Flygt [Buzz] by Anders de la Motte Fatelessness of Imre Kertész Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro
What do you have on your person? (113) Clothes Challenge 2013 (87) Out of the skrumulte (66) Skrumulte dravlar (40) Julkalender2013 (17) Skrumulte like (13) Skrumulte simplifies (11) Natural Skin Care (9) Skrumulte moving (9) Books (7) Project 333 (5) Skrumulte tips (5) Köpstoppet2014 (4) Reviews (4) Eating with skrumulte (3) facial oil (2) Eczema (2) Alverde (1) Dr. Hauschka (1) Shower Gel (1) Egyptian Magic (1) Foot Cream (1) Skin Cream (1) Body Oil (1) Lavera (1) soap (1) Weleda (1)
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lycka till med ditt röj och städ projekt. Själv har jag hållit på alldeles för länge (det är det där

I decided to try to plant some seeds today, from lemon and avocado. I used one avocado seed that had dried for a week and one straight from the fruit. I've heard from someone that you should put the seed in water for a week, from someone else that you should dry it for a week or two and also that you could put it in soil at once. I'm trying alternative two and three to see which one works the best. I also gave my cacti some new soil, I bought an orchid and I planted a little rooted cutting from a plant that is called ampellilja in Swedish (no idea what it's called in English).
You could say this was part of decluttering and organizing I think :-) Actually, it's time to let you see the action plan that I mentioned the other day . It's a rough sketch and I will have to rework it a little along the way, divide xavier malisse some of the parts in to smaller chunks (to avoid being overwhelmed) and maybe put in something I forgot. Action plan for decluttering and organizing 2012 (Declutter = go through the stuff and throw away or put in give-away-box/sell-box/put-in-place-later box.)   Part one – Jump start Declutter: go through all the rooms in a first, rough sweep, to get some more space and to save me the work of moving things around and around, when I’m xavier malisse going to get rid of it anyway. Organize: put crafting material in designated drawer unit and old suitcases (they are empty and waiting) Make/remake: paint the dresser for my dressing area white (I started this today.  Just one drawer, but better xavier malisse than nothing, right?) Part two – Drowning in papers Declutter: xavier malisse throw away all old “important papers” and old notes that I don’t need anymore, and organize the rest in boxes with hanging maps. I have one box, but I need at least one more, preferably two. Bills and other papers that are connected to a certain year. When the year is over I can take out all the papers and put them in an archive paper box, marked with year.  Important papers like apartment contract,  receipts, manuals, work samples and so on, that is not connected to a certain year.  Tear outs from magazines in different categories Buy: on or two more  hanging file boxes from Granit Organizing: put the remaining papers in the boxes, in the right hanging files Hanging file box from Granit You can click the link below to see the rest of the action plan if you are interested. I'm posting it to make myself DO it. And I hope I will be able to post about some progress...not big steps, but small will get me there too I hope. The rest of the action plan ........................................... In my Daily dose of quirkiness xavier malisse a more unusual way to plant flowers - in a vintage car :-) This is an installation by the italian artist Manuel Felisi . Manuel Felisi via Honestly WTF
Snap! A few weeks ago I put two avocado pips in a pot - I am waiting to see if something xavier malisse will happen. (Let me know how yours are doing). SO far nothing has happened with mine. I am notorious for NOT being able to grow things - every herb or plant that I have tried to grow in the garden has failed miserably - probably because after I've planted them, I kind of forget about them. But the avocado pips are right next to my sink in the kitchen - so I do remember to water them now and then. I had some success last year by balancing a sweet potato in a glass so that the bottom just touches the water - after a couple of weeks it sprouted and a stem with leaves emerged - it started trailing down the edge of the water glass and after a few more weeks I planted it outside in a big pot and it actually xavier malisse survived for quite a few months - looking very pretty and green. PS I am VERY impressed with your decluttering/reorganization plan. I especially liked the part about vacuuming the books! I have 8 (some quite large) bookcases filled with hundreds and hundreds of book, and they tend to get very dusty. I was sitting just the other evening looking at one of these bookcases and getting depressed because just the THOUGHT of having to take them all out and dusting each and every one - ugh, too dreadful to contemplate! 4 juni 2012 11:32
Lycka till med ditt röj och städ projekt. Själv har jag hållit på alldeles för länge (det är det där med att slänga/ge bort som tar tid ;-) Inget hände förrän xavier malisse jag gav mig på bokhyllornas innehål... Men efter flera bokbål (rapporter) tycker jag att jag börjar se ljuset... Puh! 4 juni 2012 11:50
Oj, vad duktig du är som har gjort upp en plan. Nu gäller det bara att sätta den i handling. Du verkar ha kommit fram till bra lösningar. Som sagt, ha bilden från det senaste inlägget i tanken, att du sitter där i din rensade och ordnade lägenhet. Själv har jag gjort om bloggen en aning. Tyckte att det behövdes lite update. Är inte riktigt klar ännu, men den känns lite fräschare. Har även färgat om min sommarjacka i dag, det gick finemang. xavier malisse Min jacka är svart, fast började bli mer och mer grådassig xavier malisse efter alla t

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Today's list Morning routine: sleep until I wake up by the alarm making the bed to shower, make me iordnings & dressed me check the calendar, e-mail for the day's activities drain the disk instead of the start of the day (2 minutes, the hot spot), drink your water, eat breakfast brush teeth at any time during the day : 2-5 min hot spot 5-15 min declutter 30 minutes optional exercise
Evening vt email Routine: put clean laundry in cabinets and closets vt email make supper, do not be late! Latest 17.30 weekdays wash as Think about tomorrow eg need something purchased, what should we eat? Make a shopping list to produce food for tomorrow's breakfast and lunch
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Monday, September 22, 2014

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Cleanup of debris, cleaning closetmaid and orderliness. Have not found a spot on the translation of the word declutter. But I know what it means and that's enough to get you started! I am an inveterate collector, so this month may well be a challenge for me. Not that I collect stamps or caps but I'm closetmaid saving on the most that should ever be put to use. Also difficult to get rid of things that had personal closetmaid meaning to me, but that just lying around in drawers. How much of that should you really keep? CDs you never listen closetmaid to, books you never read, VCR standing closetmaid and dust in a corner. This time, I aim to throw a little more than I usually do, to be a little harder on my Skrotnisse page. What I am after all, choose to save the game but I know I never use to pack into boxes, clearly labeled. The idea is that old junk is not going to take up mental space, it should not be clamoring for attention as soon as I open a drawer in search of the stapler. I will clean for a while each day in April to get into the habit. A box on the day, one room a week. Emptying out on the floor, throw some, sell some, organizing part. The blog Zen Habits has of course dealt with the topic once or several times. Please read this post, for example, it describes well how to proceed: http://zenhabits.net/2007/01/zen-mind-how-to-declutter/
On the road to financial freedom in Skåne ... My overall goal is to be able to choose employment entirely of interest, regardless of income. closetmaid This, I had intended to reach by: - Creating passive income to cover my expenses (achieved in 2013) - Be debt free in order to bring down costs and reduce risks (not clear, closetmaid goal 2016) - In time to move to an accommodation with a large space for greater self-sufficiency in food and energy (not started, goals from 2015 to 2016) - When the time is ripe quit or cut down on my work (case 2016)
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Sunday, September 21, 2014

2 hours ago

It was a long time since we had a challenge and I think it's time now. The challenge lies in the borderland between the extremely gråpräktiga and it barely blog only, but now it's fall and then you should be a little gråpräktig. There is a closet purge challenge. Category by category - pants, thick sweaters, t-shirts, ... You take out all the clothes you have of that particular variety, try them in front of the mirror and decide if they fit well, are stylish. Or - in case they are not fancy - if they are sufficiently comfortable or practical to be good to have on forest excursions. And the rest goes to the ants or Les Petits Riens or a person in one's environment that supports the clothes a little better. Or even burn pit. And since it's a blog: Man blogs about the process of course. And we take turns to proclaim new categories - it's the knock-on element. Are you with me? Category 1: Long trousers. shelving systems I jumped the gun last night and can report a startling shelving systems result. 10 pairs of pants were left and 7 may leave the yard and foundation. What is amazing is not the distribution fine-ugly without number. 17 pairs of pants! This is a person who never has anything to put on.
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1 year ago

The price of input in the "Declutter, family" goes to Signe I know that many have been looking forward to this speech, iron and resin but a speech alone can not overcome the tensions. Tensions between us who must make an effort to create order and the lucky few for whom perfection is recreated spontaneously. Our worlds are not opposed, they overlap. I have bevärdigats nation's greatest prize, like he new from America not for great things I have done but for the hopes for me, the dream of what I might one day will do. Change can not happen overnight. Dear family, men and women from two generations united in an apartment let us create common assets in the stocks: Once up to a door, then another and another and then the same back door that leads to the new place full of new old stuff Old things, new things in the larger and smaller piles Our daughters can contribute just as much as our sons in our communities. iron and resin (I respect women who choose traditional roles in life, but it should be their own choice.) Folks, for all the world, we must be able to take us forward! If we allow ourselves to be bound by the past, we will never move forward. Not one meter.
Yes, it could have been your words. Eja and I were one of the lucky few for whom perfection is recreated spontaneously, or at least the floor was cleared periodically. The other day A I've never seen the kitchen iron and resin messy (could iron and resin have been so messy) and thought it was time to clean up. The day before I had cleared the floor Tuesday, but after lussebak and cooking, with attached water painting and legolek appeared none of that. Mm, your poem may end up on the refrigerator. 11:45 pm Aunt Signe said ...
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Mrs Signe Jorun Jörel
2 days ago
Amy's piece of cake
Nine years
1 year ago
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

April 27th, 2010 at 20:22

Carina's Best Page Declutter hanging wine rack
peter on line About the day I became Aunt
Now it's spring and then you should spring-clean. I take a look around my kitchen and I do not understand where it all comes from? Things everywhere. No footprint area to tell where it's full of stuff. I have a bench, but it is too full of stuff. You can barely see the bench. hanging wine rack It thus serves no purpose other than as a collection station. Check! hanging wine rack
The bench beside hanging wine rack the stove is not as crowded, but still, it kind of ... things ... there. Things I absolutely do not use right now, and not very often the case, either. hanging wine rack Why, for example, all the spices stand there while I only rarely use anything but salt and pepper? The cutting board stand there and take up space, though hanging wine rack I use it for about five minutes daily. All the utensils in a jar. Excess can be added ... Sure, you just have four beaters in front of the bench just in case ... it appears something whipped emergency type ... .Man can save precious seconds by not having to pull out a drawer and pick up a whisk. Why do I even have even four beaters? Is it so complicated to wash a whisk if you have anything new? Since then, we have the microwave on the other side of the fireplace. hanging wine rack Also a fantastic shelf for things. Things like ... half-full hanging wine rack ziplock bags from IKEA (2), an old broken burnt oven mitt which I never use, old paper stuck to the side of the microwave, a pink cooler bag, a toaster, a coffee thermos, a dirty towel. ...
April 27th, 2010 at 20:22
<a href="" title=""> <abbr title = ""> <acronym title = ""> <b> <blockquote cite = ""> <cite> <code> <del datetime = ""> <em > <i> hanging wine rack <q cite = ""> <strike> <strong> hanging wine rack

Friday, September 19, 2014

But yes, to return to this eternal define concise cleaning - it

And here it may be a little problem. For the very functional storage can take more than you need. Then it is enough to take care of some of the home, buy some stylish bedside drawers, baskets or whatever it might be and get away the worst.
The question is who you really are doing a favor then. To organize their stuff's nice, but there's no solution define concise to the problem. The problem, as in this case (and in most cases) are too much possessions. To reorganize define concise their belongings becomes an iterative process, it must be done again and again and again. define concise Because if it is not used and therefore has no worthy place, and you will end the matter in question to someone else. Where it is in the way. And you can start again, with organizing. Obviously, I see advantages to organize, and I love smart storage. When I moved into my apartment, I had lots of urdålig storage. define concise Today I have less storage but more intelligent. But above all, I have less stuff that needs storing. define concise
Every other person who finds this blog ask how to live with less possessions. How does one become a minimalist, to live in voluntary simplicity, in order to pack a suitcase and just pull? The answer: it takes time. It takes a long time to end up where you want to be. I'm not there yet, but I approach.
It's a journey that goes a little bit up and down. The other day, for example, to talk storage, I decided to move around the little things. Workout clothes got a custom box in the agency, and underwear had to move to a small dresser in the bathroom. In the drawers in the bathroom (which I rarely open) was a bit of everything. So I threw all the garbage and the mixed bag that was lying there. Previously, I have not thought of just the stuff in the storage that was good, and therefore, they were fine where they were. In time you will come to understanding, by something as simple as I thought workout clothes define concise should have their own space.
To refer back to why it takes time to have some possessions is because we have had so very much from the beginning. Sure, at first it's easy to sell unnecessary things, define concise throw the broken and give away a little trivia. But then you stop. For example I have too much porcelain of different kinds. Ovärt to sell, but completely and must therefore be discarded. So my plan is to just end it all, because sooner or later you lose a plate or two. The kitchen define concise will simply define concise take time before it becomes so 'minimalist' as I wish.
My new thought when I walk around here at home is "would define concise I take this when I move? '. If the answer is no, so they end property define concise in eBay pile, Bokbörsenlådan or among bestowed-to-charity-gadgets. It's an interesting thought, although I do not plan to move just for the moment, but keep you lugging unnecessary stuff from one apartment to another? Pack up, pack up - organize. No thanks, define concise I say.
So true, so true. I came in to minimalism define concise because I hate to clean and pick all the time. I could not understand how we could have things island-ver-all the time! Then when I began instead to get rid of things, and make money at the same time so it was of course in addition great fun. Easier to clean, more space, time for more fun things and money in hand! Can it get better ?!
This post really put words to what I'm doing right now. I like the smart storage define concise and careful use of different areas, but I'm even more fond of cutting down on the number of possessions.
For me, that has cleared a number of times in connection with the moving van and recently made a hefty big cleanup, it's almost a little scary to discover how much more I can get rid of. Of course I am happy to finally get to the point with it, but it does not feel good in my stomach that I dragged home all these gadgets. Sometimes I get frustrated that there are faster to cut down on the belongings, define concise but I guess this has to take its time.
That the cleanup based on the idea "I would bring it here when I move?" I think that sounds very healthy! Personally, I think it's a great help to try to answer the following questions when I am unsure at the purge: I really like this? Fills the any real purpose? Do it (in the case of clothing or jewelry) made me feel really good looking? How long has it been sitting unused? Hehe, that's quite a few things that do not pass all the nålsögonen!
I totally agree, the worst part is when you realize that you've dragged home all this now just go out. What did you actually accomplish with consumption? It feels as if we are correct as at the mental level, harbors all the time in the same place at the same time! Nice to have someone to discuss all ideas with!
But yes, to return to this eternal define concise cleaning - it's scary that it will never end! Meanwhile, the j

Thursday, September 18, 2014

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The last house we rented furnished and agree with the owner of the paintings could be left on the walls. What I was not prepared newspring for was that a lot of decorative stuff would be left too. The first few weeks I gathered up everything that felt unnecessary and difficult to clean and put it in the attic. Declutter newspring is it called newspring when some one takes away a lot of superfluous kind of frippery. Four full boxes I carried up to the attic and some lights, decorative table and several wicker bins. The problem was that everything came with the rental protocol and must therefore be returned to their original rooms tomorrow when we'll return the house. It took a few hours to fix. There was a lot that was not included in the protocol (10 different scented candles, a load candlesticks, five coasters and five kiwi birds in wood). It ended up at a private table.
Things to be happy with: carpet extractor which admittedly noisy and takes time, but makes a big difference on dirty carpets. Guess which side I have left. Last week I spent a lot of time cleaning up the last house, but I have managed to plant some colorful primulas and daffodil bulbs in the new mini-garden. Moreover, I discovered that one of the fuchsias have two flowers.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Recent Posts Want or need? Why should one be minimalist? Declutter - remove a blog about minimalism

Recent Posts Want or need? Why should one be minimalist? Declutter - remove a blog about minimalism Recent Comments August 2013 Categories Own Posts Tips Uncategorized Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress.com
One of the most common terms in minimalism is "declutter". In Swedish it means roughly "clean", or perhaps more "clean". You do not mean necessarily that you should vacuum or else boring. ecloset It means more that you should reduce the number of things ecloset that are in a room. To clear away things you no longer need. When I tried to throw away or give away things I was surprised how much I gathered myself - something I never really will find useful. Testing with you.
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The heart of the diploma elfy I am an educator, currently on maternity elfy leave with two sons. We

Long Matale me how to sort and store growing number of Lego in our household. I had a lot of conflicting requirements: The detailed will be sorted out, the better will be the pieces look good and will build the fastest cleaning but it would summarize it in one pile and basta. Sorting logically offer a variety of cases and boxes for handymen that have a lot of compartments, elfy open and decompose before each drawing upon dozens of drawers and boxes are proper poisoning.
I searched the internet for some original storage boxes, but nothing I did not seem practical enough - plus the outrageous prices. Finally, I once came home from buying a pile of cardboard boxes from voľajakého fruit that is perfectly fit for each other. Do I have all sorts of different sizes stacked more boxes (which are at home always treats a sufficient amount). We have a few times with my son still sorting optimized until we come to the general satisfaction.
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Probably it sounds unlikely, but it holds a very long time, clanok Write as always a few months behind ... And I forgot elfy to add that we have yet to do two boxes where we store things built, which is prohibited disassemble reply ...
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The heart of the diploma elfy I am an educator, currently on maternity elfy leave with two sons. We live at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains, which still consider it a great choice. With children there is no better time spent than build dams on the river, walking barefoot on the grass and tender catching lizards ...
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sale apartment 3-bedroom., 74 Trenčín m 2 Price: 59,900

Sale apartment 3-bedroom., 180 m 2 Jarok 227,200
Each of us needs a place to store some of those things. Whether it's apparel, from which the children have grown, seasonal clothing, or need some things to carry when traveling or moving. Storing things in boxes, while being inexpensive and in fact it is one of the most common ways, but it has many disadvantages. The first is space consuming solution and on the other hand, things are often exposed to moisture (in the basement or the attic), odors, insects or other adverse conditions, that can be easily damaged. Minimum places and things dry to such problems but there is a relatively simple and affordable solution in the form of vacuum bags. Vacuum bags are really practical tool, which will meet perhaps in every home. It saves you a lot of space and are also useful sort of thing when traveling or moving. This is the plastic bags seal (valve) through which simply withdrawing a vacuum cleaner aski air. This results in a significant volume aski reduction of things and are also protected against moisture or parasites. This way you can store not only clothes, but perhaps aski even pillows, blankets, jackets and the like. Vacuum bags certainly appreciate when downloading and it is an excellent tool for families with children, since children grow rapidly and "grown up" clothing is often spears and lances.
Here are some ways Before things in bags to save, you should wash, ironed and folded. When they save so much in a vacuum aski bag, nice live after removing creases. Care should be taken not to pierce the bag, for example, one island of clothing (zipper or metal buckles, etc..), Because after piercing bag loses its function. Things stored in vacuum bags can be stored almost anywhere, even in the garage or in the attic. As the bag is not punctured, your belongings are well protected aski against the odors, moisture and moths and other unwanted "visitors." Where to buy them? Vacuum bags are now readily available in stores with household goods or on the Internet. Available in different sizes and forms, and even buy scented bags. Prices range since about two million at the cheaper and smaller types and price then unfolds depending on the size and manufacturer. Author: Mary
Sale apartment 3-bedroom., 74 Trenčín m 2 Price: 59,900
Contact us Do you have an idea for this story? Or want to show off photographs of reconstruction, building or interesting devices in your house or apartment? Send us an e-mail. Selected papers aski will publish a reward gift from the editorial!
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Monday, September 15, 2014

My name is Andrew. Articles shoe cupboard do not write themselves, but help me more professionals a

Heat threatens food quality | Začiatočníci.sk
It is known that high temperature threatens our food. These days it is doubly true. The last few days have reported radio and television different temperature records. One day, the highest temperature ever measured in Slovakia and the very next day the temperature shoe cupboard was even higher. These days can occur in people of sunburn and various health problems. Care should be taken good sunscreen. Needless to still be in the sun, but must also hide in the shadows.
Our health problems of high temperature shoe cupboard may not only be due to the weather and sun. Especially in these hot weather we should worry about what they eat. One of the most common diseases in the summer of Salmonella.
Many people over the summer eats lots of vegetables and fruits. It is not guaranteed that the fruit and vegetables thoroughly washed. On fruit and vegetables may also contain various shoe cupboard germs and bacteria that are harmful to our bodies. Often occurs when small children that fruit is washed and ready for the baby. When he was a child consumes and runs down his juice from fruit after his hands and licks it may have dirty hands, full of bacteria. This other way to get bacteria in our bodies.
Dbajme also on proper storage of food. Each food has written in what temperature shoe cupboard should be stored. In hot and humid days are perfect conditions for mold growth. Tkz may arise. mycotoxins (toxic mold products), which can damage various organs, shoe cupboard especially the liver, kidney, spleen, blood system and nervous system.
Thoroughly umývajme fruits and vegetables. Dbajme to our children to eat fruit, to wash hands. We should not store raw meat already prepared meat for consumption. Do not drink water from an unknown source. Protect foods from insects and other pests. Food should be prepared as soon as possible before consumption. shoe cupboard Hazardous Food Store refrigerated. For long journeys consume sheep cheese, cakes with whipped cream, food in which the mayonnaise and the like. Nekonzumujme products shoe cupboard that are out of warranty, have mold or cans that are bulging lids.
Do you want to know about any new comments on this article? Then click and add it to the RSS reader. Can you comment on the article to add a comment. Favorite phrase: food, food, food, health
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Sunday, September 14, 2014

jozefj December 4, 2011 at 12:18 Apples for years to give them a plastic bag .Jednoducho committing

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sovka62, December 3, 2011 on 18:58 My husband tuper always buys apples late autumn, which we had to endure the winter. Even two weeks ago brought 60 pounds, tuper two-thirds of Jonagold, Golden Delicious third. Each year, however, the apples begin to wilt, remain mealy, golden quite svcrkne shell. I do not even know where I heard that if apples sealed in polythene bags, last longer than fresh. So we did an experiment. After being sealed, we all golden and half Jonagold and sksladujeme them in a cold room. Now they go to check and see what happens. Still look the same, a little beaded bags and some Golden rosy cheeks. I hope that this will last, but I have no certainty. You do not have someone with the experience, please?
Jericho on December 3, 2011 19:57 see, these are our neighbors: there is also a forum search.incredimail.com/?q=boni+frukt ... <= english & source = 017074319105 & u = 1108102803500822339 & a = 1jR7Bg5YSdl www.dobrejablka Advertisers
majo51, on December 3, 2011 21:01 once we forgot Jonatgold tuper 6 large apples in the refrigerator in the bottom drawer of vanishing and we came out after about 4-Roch months and I can tell you that it was as if we broke them right from the tree so I need about as much climate.
cheeky, on December 3, 2011 22:47 Since I live in an apartment building so the bucks from her cellar tuper always go get apples for about 1-2 weeks: Bottom Bottom bucket pour some water on it and give the grid (which is the best steamed dumplings) and lay out on top of apples. How it got saved me in the basement of an apartment building where there is relatively warm and dry. Babka it has stored in her cellar of the house, but there and therefore do not know what is the climate: tuper but there is a heap piled potatoes, carrots in the other corner, kale, parsley, horseradish, beetroot and so on. in crates. Is there darkness, and still has slightly open basement window.
aroooo, December tuper 3, 2011 at 23.15hubat plated, one way with a bucket of water and am impressed by how much it could probably endure the longest, I have a similar problem, at least 1-2 months, and what would a potato storage said, which is also rapidly shrink?
cheeky, December 4th, 2011 on 0:20arooo - potatoes when I have not had a garden and we also lived in an apartment building so that I was being kept in a large box hard I gave a polythene layer of potatoes I zasypávala sand. Sand should be here and there to sprinkle tuper water to be so lightly moist - because after all, in the basement of an apartment building in dry air. Lasted tuper two to three months as fresh. tuper This is how I did the other vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery, beetroot) in crates or boxes. Only the sand can be a problem tuper for you to kick in 2-3 buckets. tuper We had a cottage on Záhorí and there it was quite nice yellow, pure.
palokuchki, December 4, 2011 at 08:34 The area where we live is one of the largest in the cultivation of apples in Australia. Are there no huge warehouses. tuper We are there never were our apples, we had them ever so much and we tried them always right foreground. Well I know there apples stock within three months at very low temperatures 1-2C. Potatoes can no longer be stored at that temperature, or actually cool because sladkaveju, but it suits the patella. At higher temperatures, on just 5C apples ripen slowly. On dlnsiu storage period than three months tuper to put in some special gas. We have the best experience with storage of Golden Delicious, the longest lasted us much. Jonagold us always shown first viewed. hubata, with the sand I do it myself. So I last year uskladnila carrots and parsley.
jozefj December 4, 2011 at 12:18 Apples for years to give them a plastic bag .Jednoducho committing, but little is Orosia tuper will last until March Then have them there because they pojeme.Len them regularly.
sovka62, December 4, 2011 at 12:30 Thank you very much, comforted me, I guess, therefore, withstand even ours, I would be happy. tuper I am totally dependent on apples and what is sold in supermarkets often not the eating.
martamm, on August 1, 2012 9:46 Christmas hawk, my in-laws always stored apples in plastic bags, but check them regularly and be graded. I think really were the last day of beautiful, nescvkrnute ....
sovka62, August 1, 2012 o 16:42 Martuška, they lasted until May as fresh. Thus, the variety Golden Delicious has been very tasty, so the more storage not buy. But others were really excellent. tuper
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