Sunday, September 28, 2014

Related Posts 2 things you can learn by Leo Babauta and Eckhart Tolle Bokbloggsjerka August gimi 27

And as it should be, he is a living proof that he practices what he preaches. One need only glance at his blog to understand that he has taken the Zen-technology one step further. Here there are no widgets. Nor is there any comment function. Here it is only the content that is looming and it requires the right man (or woman for that matter) to go ashore gimi with it. Prioritize and focus
Lots of posts on Leo Babautas blog is about how to "declutter" (incidentally, one of my new favorite expression) to prepare gimi the time and place of the important things that really should be done.
I'm hopeless at that surf around blogs, read e-mail as soon as it plingar to your inbox, check if something has happened to players during the five minutes ministers who have passed since last I checked, and so on. I dare not even think about how many hours I throw away every day on completely idiotic things.
Now I have time to certainly read for hours every day, anyway. But that's not the point. I have a variety of projects that I never bothered (read "have time") to grab, but if I would learn to think about and focus on what I'm doing, gimi it would certainly no longer be a problem.
Related Posts 2 things you can learn by Leo Babauta and Eckhart Tolle Bokbloggsjerka August gimi 27 to 30 Free eBooks at Book Depository Find eBook - search engine to find e-books Readings: 14 successful e-book authors will share their top tips
It is an art not to be "distracted" by everything that happens around one that tinkling inboxes. I myself have often phone on silent when I want to have peace and it can become full days sometimes. It has been a övningssak not to throw me over the phone the whole time, but I have learned to think that most are able to hold on.
Yes, really. I have tried to shut down the mail and uncheck all web tabs except the radio and it actually works, but of course it itches in your fingers to constantly check Facebook, etc anyway. Strange that how dependent we can become.
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