Sunday, September 21, 2014

1 year ago

The price of input in the "Declutter, family" goes to Signe I know that many have been looking forward to this speech, iron and resin but a speech alone can not overcome the tensions. Tensions between us who must make an effort to create order and the lucky few for whom perfection is recreated spontaneously. Our worlds are not opposed, they overlap. I have bevärdigats nation's greatest prize, like he new from America not for great things I have done but for the hopes for me, the dream of what I might one day will do. Change can not happen overnight. Dear family, men and women from two generations united in an apartment let us create common assets in the stocks: Once up to a door, then another and another and then the same back door that leads to the new place full of new old stuff Old things, new things in the larger and smaller piles Our daughters can contribute just as much as our sons in our communities. iron and resin (I respect women who choose traditional roles in life, but it should be their own choice.) Folks, for all the world, we must be able to take us forward! If we allow ourselves to be bound by the past, we will never move forward. Not one meter.
Yes, it could have been your words. Eja and I were one of the lucky few for whom perfection is recreated spontaneously, or at least the floor was cleared periodically. The other day A I've never seen the kitchen iron and resin messy (could iron and resin have been so messy) and thought it was time to clean up. The day before I had cleared the floor Tuesday, but after lussebak and cooking, with attached water painting and legolek appeared none of that. Mm, your poem may end up on the refrigerator. 11:45 pm Aunt Signe said ...
This has happened ... September 2014 (2) August 2014 (8) July 2014 (9) June 2014 (63) May 2014 (62) April 2014 (56) March 2014 (84) February 2014 (23) January 2014 (25 ) December 2013 (35) November 2013 (18) October 2013 (32) September 2013 (10) August 2013 (17) July 2013 (5) June 2013 (29) May 2013 (24) April 2013 (20) March 2013 (36 rates) February 2013 (54) January 2013 (44) December 2012 (28) November 2012 (45) October 2012 (39) September 2012 (49) August 2012 (90) July 2012 (44) June 2012 (57) May 2012 (59 ) April 2012 (44) March 2012 (46) February 2012 (27) January iron and resin 2012 (35) December 2011 (63) November iron and resin 2011 (60) October 2011 (69) September 2011 (81) August 2011 (40) July 2011 (28 ) June 2011 (73) May 2011 (68) April 2011 (67) March 2011 (76) February 2011 (58) January 2011 (61) December 2010 (66) November 2010 (85) October 2010 (59) September 2010 (84 ) August 2010 (76) July 2010 (35) June 2010 (95) May 2010 (124) April 2010 (79) March 2010 (88) February 2010 (94) January 2010 (103) December 2009 (111) November 2009 (156 ) October 2009 (73) September 2009 (58) August iron and resin 2009 (51) July 2009 (48) June 2009 (51) May 2009 (63) April 2009 (42) March 2009 (73) February 2009 (42) January 2009 (62 ) December 2008 (55) November 2008 (71) October 2008 (70) September 2008 (49) August 2008 (46) July 2008 (32) June 2008 (35) May 2008 (35) April 2008 (46) March 2008 (28 ) February 2008 (22) January 2008 (41) December 2007 (36) November 2007 (33) October 2007 (8) September 2007 (22) August 2007 (16) July 2007 (23) June 2007 (22) May 2007 (48 ) April 2007 (20) March 2007 (23) February 2007 (18) January 2007 (10) December 2006 (2) November iron and resin 2006 (4) October 2006 (28) September 2006 (18) August 2006 (2) July 2006 (26 ) June 2006 (27)
Mrs Signe Jorun Jörel
2 days ago
Amy's piece of cake
Nine years
1 year ago
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