Friday, January 31, 2014

Some of us had never met before - are we a bunch of writers who live in different places of the cou

But extra special was the writers for the iknowthatmagazine because we also took us a well-deserved wine bottle holder Christmas dinner, and 8 of the fine writers wine bottle holder of our met for dinner and good mood before the show took place on spider theater.
Some of us had never met before - are we a bunch of writers who live in different places of the country, and for my part - the continent, so it was fantastic fun to finally Hooke up!
Although we just love to'd won anything, the experience that we all were in the final for no less than four nomination rounds, was overwhelming and fun for a freshly new and different, online wine bottle holder magazine - which is not really a blog once - haha
The categories our year's Newcomer of the Year and Beauty Blog came early in the show, and I knew I was hot cheeks while the nominees were called out (may have been the champagne too ...) - and it was undoubtedly has digg with great cheers during roll call I Know That Magazine
And then a hot tip - which I in no way sponsored by (though it would also be nice, call me!) Is that because I had a press conference the next day at 9 in Oslo, and expected a little tipsy, wine bottle holder I booked a Rooms at the last minute (the night before) at Smart Hotel Oslo.
As said in recent days been a little crazy, so have been less articles in the magazine than usual - but this week will be filled with a BUNCH of new cases as: Hair Test LCHF - introduction Men Theme: one can date her friend ex? Makeup wine bottle holder tutorial (finally!) Spring 2014 trends / fashion podiatrists Today's outfit x 5
And lots lots more - so just enjoy the good reading on the tram, the "break" at work, on the sofa while her boyfriend watching soccer wine bottle holder ... or no stuff ... is perhaps not so much football these days? I do not know! Haha
Makeup Artist, Stylist and lifestyle journalist - Tove When not busy sleeping, watching Teen Mom 2 or swearing at the TV in frustration over the Spanish commercial breaks, she writes as blood spurts for,, The New, CLICK FASHION and other Norwegian ink. She is known for making sport out of a day, but will never through an afterparty wine bottle holder ... - Yes, she also started ...
Charlie wine bottle holder
We cheered wine bottle holder and screamed as only it behind you and hope you sku away with the win! You must be the top "losers" I know! hehe Smart hotels are quite ingenious, has lived in both Oslo and Stavanger and completely agree with you that they dig beds and perfect large cushions! hihi anywho-nice to meet you so very fast for real, hope you cost you a lot and we made a sudden left!
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Timbuktu release his own single called Spring ...

Rett tupperware consultant oppi her er det mange umerka stiar i skogen berre få veit om , og dei som

Ikkje alle turar er like idylliske, fredlege og går etter planen. Vår daglege tur i dag var ein slik tur. Eigentleg er eg i jobb no, men sidan min kjære er på reise, har eg vore heime i dag. Like før jul og greier, kjenst som ei gåve i seg sjølv. Eg har sjølvsagt tupperware consultant ein heil haug på agendaen, og det byrja med at eg tenkte at eg berre skulle ta ein liten tur i skogen med småen og loppesirkuset. Småen hadde sove kortare enn vanleg i formiddagskvilen sin, og eg ville slå i hel litt tid før han skulle ha lunsj ein liten time etter. I helga dala det ned enormt mykje snø, men i går steig temperaturen tupperware consultant frå fem minus til 8 pluss, og i dag er den vakre, kvite verda forvandla til ein gigantisk slush- sump.
Rett tupperware consultant oppi her er det mange umerka stiar i skogen berre få veit om , og dei som kjenner til dei er oftast hundefolk. Så lenge kalenderen syner mellom tupperware consultant 21.august og 31.mars, er det med andre ord lov å ha hund gåande laus. No for tida er det også eindel gode lukter av fugl i skogen (j.f. loppesirkuset). Derfor hender det frå tid til anna at Loppisen tek seg ein “bonusrunde”. EIn bonusrunde er ein “utilsikta avstikkar utan følgje”. tupperware consultant Oftast varer ein slik bonusrunde mellom 10 og 15 min. Sidan det hender at ho finn fugl på slike runder, vert ho ståande i stand, stiv som ein pinne. Ho høyrar heller særleg godt etter når ho står slik på fugl, så no går bikkja med GPS slik at vi lettare kan jobbe med ho. Heldigvis gjorde ho det i dag ôg. Eg hadde knapt gitt ho “fri”-signalet før ho tok av stad, og eg tusla avgårde med småen i meisen. Eg stoppa og ordna litt på broddene, småprata litt med mini før eg gløtta på GPS’en. 458m unna? Allereie? Bikkja vår eg kjent for å være “snikende ullteppe”, ein hund som bruker lang tid på kvar einaste lukt som finst i skogen. 458m på nokre få minutt i krevjande tupperware consultant skogsterreng kunne verkeleg ikkje være tilfelle. Eg fløyta ho inn, men såg berre korleis ho fortsatte i full fart i motsatt retning. Ho kunne umogleg høyre meg nærare 500 m lenger vekke i tjukk skog med ange små bekkefall. Likevel tupperware consultant tenkte eg at det måtte jo være tilfelle, eit kart ljug sjeldan. Eg fekk ei kjensle at denne korte turen kom til å bli lang. Veldig lang.
Som om ikkje det var nok: plutseleg ringte telefonen. Eg hadde heilt gløymt at eg skulle få ein pakke levert tupperware consultant på døra nettopp denne dagen. Og bodbilen var berre få minutt unna. Skulle eg satse på å hente inn bikkja (som no var 660m unna meg), for så å få levert pakka? Eller skulle eg la hunden segle sin eigen skog, hente pakka, og satse på at ho var komen på betre tanker og ville snu? Eg valte sistnemnte, pakka er nemleg eigentleg ikkje til meg, og eg kunne ikkje ta sjansen på at bodbilsjåføren ville vente uendeleg tupperware consultant lenge. Eg bad han møte meg på ein parkeringsplass halvvegs mellom skogen og heime. Eg tok kortaste veg ut av skogen, tupperware consultant mista ein av broddane mine i ei myr, og sklei på rompa ned ein gamal slalombakke. Han som sat på ryggen hylte av glede over sin fyrste tupperware consultant rutsjetur.
Pakken som kom var ein god del større enn det eg hadde trudd, tupperware consultant men den var veldig lett. Nytt dilemma: Bruke 5 min på å gå heim med pakken, gå sporenstreks ut igjen for å finne bikkja, eller berre ta pakken under armen å gå? Eg tok pakken under armen og la i veg- og omlag samstundes såg eg at loppesirkuset no var 873 m unna- og mellom oss var det ein høgdeforskjell på 40 meter. Sukk..
Den irriterande pakken. Og småen. I skauen. I det minste hadde eg selskap av ein veldig blid type! / The Package tupperware consultant with capital P. And our little man next to it. All though I was kinda cranky at this moment, my “co-driver” was in a very good mood!
Tida gjekk, og etter ein stund vart eg ganske sur på både bikkje og pakke. Det var tungt føre og glatt, det regna og eg hadde berre broddar på eit bein. Eg opna pakken og putta sakene i bæremeisen, og tok fatt på fløyta.
Terrenget vi no var komen i er ikkje særleg lett å kome seg fram i med meis, med mykje kratt, bratte skrenter, myrer og bekkar. Eg såg for meg korleis eg skulle nekte bikkja tilkomst til sofaen seinare. Korleis ho skulle- som straff- måtte finne seg i å liggje på rommet sitt. Men tida gjekk og stadig kom det meldingar på GPS’en “Wilma har tatt stand”, “Wilma har bytte i tre”. Det er altså meldingar som fortel noko om korleis bikkja står. Den registrerar om hunden som går med GPS sendar har hovudet tupperware consultant opp eller ned. Eg fekk stadig melding om det siste- og eg såg ho lenge var nærsagt urørleg i eit område. Tidlegare har ho greidd å setje seg fast, og då fekk eg opp den meldinga. Ei klo la seg om hjarta- kunne ho ha satt seg fast igjen? Området ho sto i var bratt, og eg veit det har gått bikkjer seg fast i det området før- utan at enden var god.
Svarte tupperware consultant tanker om sofanekt og “husarrest” forsvann, no ville eg berre ha den fine lurvepelsen tupperware consultant vel heim. Etterkvart som eg nærma meg, må ho ha høyrt fløyta. For kvar 100m ho tilbakela var som ein l

Thursday, January 30, 2014

85 people yarbis have as much money as 3500000000 Ingrid Helene Berg | 29 January 2014

It should be obvious that it is better to keep your mouth shut rather than providing turn off comments and tell about how clever your ex was in bed. Amazingly enough, yarbis it is tragic few who realize this, which can make sex sick klein. By all means: Communicate and talk to your partner in bed, otherwise it is impossible for the other to understand if you really want to be whipped with a leek (say what the person is doing well and try to guide the positive response to what could be improved ). Read the list below and note down the questions / statements in the "Do not say this in bed"-book. Girls and boys:
Is it ever? A question that guarantees good mood under the covers. If the girl asks the boy feel like the world's worst lover, and in the opposite case the girl feel anything but tight and sexy. If in doubt, just switch to a position where you can actually see if it is right. We also dare to say that if you have trouble knowing each other's genitals, it might just as well to make brownies instead. yarbis
What's your real name? The person you are with will be offended if you do not remember the name, no one likes to feel like a felleshøl. Drop to ask about it, just use any nicknames you come on instead - babe, whore and handsome always make winners.
Can you take a piece of gum before we continue? Many have obviously never been introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Toothbrush Toothpaste. It's totally fucking lying face to face with a person who has last week's dinner between your teeth, switch to doggy or any other position where you avoid being poisoned.
Wow, you have gotten bigger since the last time! Weight gain is one of the most sensitive topics for girls, they always put on in the wrong places. Do not say anything stupid like your boobs are twice as big either, yarbis she will probably not be so happy even if it's dork.
Can you shave yet? It is entirely understandable that the boys will not go hunting in the forest every time they have sex, but sneak carefully into the issue when discussing something similar, such as the overgrown hedges outside. If it is a member of the Red party you are with, you can only dream that she is going to shave himself. Girls:
Seriously, is there anything you hold out? The guys can not control the penis deliberately, so you can partially yarbis thank you. It is also your job to make sure he does not come too soon. Sit on top and move at a leisurely pace. Suggest Round # 2 if he came too early, most hold out much longer at the second attempt.
You're almost as good as ... No. All focus should be on you and your chosen one, not the stallion can gallop on the previous weekend. It's not cool to hear that you are almost or just as good as anyone else, everyone will be the best!
85 people yarbis have as much money as 3500000000 Ingrid Helene Berg | 29 January 2014
top music fashion tips sex 2013 Fenz fall youth fashion drunk justin bieber concert film interview oslo Norway miley cyrus rap shame travel usa money fixing jb July 2014 facebook alcohol utterance inspiration hollywood single Tv workout music review health winter summer

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2014 (5) January (5) THE FLOOR .. HELLO MONDAY .. JEWELLERY FAVORITES short trips only NEW YEAR

I see that several bloggers have questions round to their readers. And sometimes metal wall art I get some mails from readers with questions about the floor in our living room. It is very nice with mail and that you are visiting my blog. But since more wondering the same thing, I take it here on the blog.
The floor is parquet that we cut down and stained in a dark brown color. (I do not remember the name, since it is six years ago.) The floor was given a top coat of paint, you get the glossy effect. Indeed, it looks black in daylight, but with its brown, it seems like a snug and warm floors! I am very pleased with the floor, even though I want white floors here too. It does not happen until the kids are grown.
Nydeligt <3 love that you're able to mix the modern with the classic :) Hugs Siv Mette Reply Delete
If you want your own monogram napkins for parties, confirmation or baptism. So I make these to order. You're going to want the color and letters. Send an email with your requirements to: janne.iversen78 @
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2014 (5) January (5) THE FLOOR .. HELLO MONDAY .. JEWELLERY FAVORITES short trips only NEW YEAR A GOOD YEAR 2013 (110) December (10) November (9) October (5) September (3) August (8) July (4) June (15) May ( 11) April (5) March (10) February (16) January (14) 2012 (212) December metal wall art (14) November (22) October (19) September (16) August ( 19) July (16) June (21) May (18) April (16) March (18) February (21) January (12)
Jewelry makes me incredibly happy! I have somehow not enough of those and have to admit that I'm a bit silly of me. Hi hi. Here is the last favor ...
Norwegian Interior Blogs
Inspiring words
15 hours ago
NAM, NAM ...
for one day ago
5 days ago
tonje Boganes
kid room
small moments with cams
Origami supersize

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sitel | Blic | | Kurir | Nova TV | | Kiss | F1 Almanah la cave | Motori

During this month, the newspaper la cave publishes reviews EVENING committed la cave to leading filmmakers of the Middle East. From Turkey, Nuri Bilge Ceylan despite new cinematic hero is Sammy Kaplanoglu, winner of Berlin's Golden Bear movie Honey. "This film Kaplanoglu is actually the last part of the trilogy that comprises the Egg" and milk. "Amazingly how Sammy to the fine print Kaplanoglu captures the life of the common man in Turkey. care about even the little things like bread in which many families are kept in a plastic bag hanging on a hanger for towels! Such small (un) remarkable moments that reflect the povekjeslojnosta his films are a trademark of this director. Kaplanoglu used in editing Switch beautiful, sometimes with scenes look of kitsch culture, they are not normally displayed in films such as scenes of the tapestries store!
Although Kaplanoglu far popoetichen of Bilge Ceylan, the similarity of the two authors la cave is that use little words and gestures through which specific movements to emphasize our small part of the culture of living in Turkey. It is also interesting that the egg scenario "and Milk" can be de say almost the same words that I wrote two years ago for Three Monkeys "by Bilge Ceylan:
The scenario is typical for him, and depicts modern Turkey, with all its faults and virtues, using strong psychology, which shows a simple way, more through actions than through words, skillfully blending seamlessly at that hardly achievable in such a way synthesis image and zborr.
Sammy movies do not use music or hear the sounds of nature or the city, with the intelligent, and technically very difficult, and in this case effective way to highlight la cave the ruralnosta or urbanity displayed.
Finally, we separate the last scene of "Milk" in which a few minutes only show the main character smoking la cave a cigarette, and then ends with a glorious display only the blinding light of the battery miner's lamp that look amazing even seventy-two seconds, then work as remarkably original and effective metaphorical end of a little masterpiece!
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Sitel | Blic | | Kurir | Nova TV | | Kiss | F1 Almanah la cave | Motori | Panel Plus | Alpinizam ONE | T-Mobile | Vip | Alkaloid | Komercijalna la cave Banka | Evening Press, all rights Reserved

Monday, January 27, 2014

Set 31 Other news Najvesti organizing for action

Set 31 Other news Najvesti organizing for action
Zarko Vasilevski negligence or unlucky? Despite the effort and love to make a zoo, at times tragedies occur. Animals died due to negligent organizing for action behavior of visitors were overfed with plastic organizing for action and paper, Hinds came from Croatia ... Biljana Vankovska / Shta would Dao to the cur mjestu? If the EU is to reach for the "Ukrainian scenario", then the answer to every sensible person should be "No Thanks". Enthralled by the EU-revolution apparently did not know the ancient African proverb "whether ... Venko Andonovski organizing for action primitive society that society is based on the concepts of magic and the mask does not allow evolution of attitudes ... Print | Send this page | Back Mask, mirage
Against organizing for action Tomorrow April 1, in disguise, I'll get purify the senses: you see something that does not exist. A child in a dark room. Silhouettes of subjects receiving strange forms. The oven becomes gate of hell, chair - a man sitting in a threatening position, hanger caps it with three three-headed monster. And the chandeliers in sumptuous temples become spaceships. Here's one down. He descends as we measure veresiite ray of the weighing machine, organizing for action and will forgive. It descends in a cloud of light, the apartment has a heavenly place where only light. One: being seen as all in all, just to overcome the fear! The set can order by phone: 072-319-010
Funds from purchased kits will be donated to charities for children with disabilities Author: Venko Andonovski Photo: Ljupcho Ilievski
Powered organizing for action by Dejan Jovanovski

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Categories columns poetry personal stories Archives January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 Octobe

Filipko Blog Archive Horse balls
Categories columns poetry personal stories Archives January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 January 2012 December 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September kitchen storage ideas 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 Subscribe Entries (RSS) Comments (RSS) Meta Register Login
Horse balls There is not enough just my song you need is a monument in the heart of the city before the new grand hotel just do not know what the name is like a tortured hanger While think appropriate name to raise my memorial kitchen storage ideas monument under the working title for the nameless martyr embarking on retro style material is pure wood're not nameless warrior you get on a horse, on martyr like his crucifixion on the cross but it is already disturbing religious items for those who do not feel like it will own and built a high wall to hang it
in the amount of balls on horses from other surrounding monuments, safe distance, away from the reach of the human hand that can put a hundred cameras or you can end up in someone's pampurche firewood are not angry all the time to see horse balls no choice so we a sense of art
This entry was posted on June 13, 2012 at 7:20 am and is filed under Poetry. . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 5 Responses to "Horse balls" filipko Says: June 13th, 2012 at 7:22 am
Mozhe next song dream to dream hanger still something to hang on it, and just balls around, but shows how to defy gravity. So may visnatite balls of hanger filipko Says: June 16th, 2012 at 7:17 am
From plain wooden hanger made monument for its martyr role to anyone is service to visnata charged with clothing and how much you can I had to ask the high wall away from the human hand to pampurcheto went from a traveler it is not an art lover But there it at the heart of the city iznagleda balls of horses from nearby monuments placed high on pedestals to the warriors who ride in the eyes of people who are Pulat get the necessary size and intentional pulachi in monuments balls did too, but they just like hanger wondering what size the horse has MADE it so resolute and defies gravity visnato Why is not my intention was to odadam respect, to acquire rest but that poor martyr prokopnala something hanging on it even MADE the horse had always the ones you can see I did not have the heart to refuse overnight for no protests and unrest among Puritans and visnav it one MONUMENT MADE and got the final name hanger with visnato kitchen storage ideas MADE Glory and mastape Says: June 16th, 2012 at 7:23 am
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Clip What I liked the comic book and pasted with glue on the hook ... and so on throughout the coat

Today I want to tell you about another hanger home. We have so much, but we do not reach :) As you may know the living room and the bedroom with us in one room and it is quite annoying canister sets that our clothes stay on the couch, chairs, etc., because canister sets our closet is not very large and nowhere to get our daily clothes. I wanted to have a hanger on which we store them instead of the furniture. This is new and it was a gift from some friends who were doing repair canister sets and dispose of unnecessary items. Long since I'd spit them had warned me in mind if they decide to dispose of it. And not long after they ... so to say "make the call" :))) I am convinced that Mr. Tonet will not like what will happen to hook him :)
And get to the interesting part. I bought a children's comic book and I could not believe that this thin komiksche cost almost as much as a thick magazine interior. Must be the poster in the middle of the comic in interior magazines no such goodies :)
Clip What I liked the comic book and pasted with glue on the hook ... and so on throughout the coat hanger. canister sets Many get crazy :) After all nalepih hanger, use clear varnish over the top to seal the pictures.
These hangers are some of my favorite older relics of the past. There is a model that has a hoop / umbrella / bottom. I cut the stem to that level and with a circular top / back of an old table / I made another. Becomes something like a "Viennese". With proper staining and varnish. He is currently in the office of my wife, but unfortunately I have no photos. From the top also becomes a mini table. I gave it to an acquaintance. Success. November 21, 2011 22:21
I have the same rack, which I can put in the bedroom of the village, but I will consider whether to show boyadisam.Shte mate and reshim.A car my youngest son is such Trim .... November 12, 2013, 11:51
2014 (4) January canister sets (4) 2013 (33) December (2) November (2) October (2) September (2) August (4) May (2) May (3) June (3) April (3) February (3) February (3) January (4) 2012 (77) December (6) November (3) October (5) September (1) August (6) May (7) May (8) (May 9) April (6) April (9) February (11) January (6) 2011 (81) December (6) November (4) hanger Tonet or longer? Christmas decoration canister sets quick coffee & cream apartment during Gift of My memories / Time for Gifts b ... October (6) September (6) August (1) May (7) April (9) (May 6) April (8) June (16) February (8) January (4) 2010 (28) December (8) October (6) August (11) December (3)
8 minutes ago
5 Power Tools That Changed How We DIY
4 days ago
Set up your own home GYM in 3 easy steps
Color Me Katie
One day while admiring the April Fool joke which surprised us time ... ... I made a new bag :) I'm very happy ...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

On the occasion of discomfort wijnrek after long absence

For the hanger, moths and the sun (etude) wijnrek
Hello, Hello, so long did not write that now even the inconvenience of this fact I took away with me. At least I got used to it - and get used to that flip-flop, who is between the thumb and forefinger of his feet (there 'bookmark feet "?) .... So .... I thought my discomfort due to swelling to sit down and write something very long, meaningful, fun, etc. and more waiting wijnrek you wait for a big day in which you will feel such a ... how to say .... sudden rush of energy writers, and on that day everything, everything will become wijnrek clear to me and I'll wijnrek tell huh! This is the day, boys and girls! .... yeah .... So .... I decided today as well so wait huge tidal wave (OPV) can try and occasional small ripples, like thoroughly beginner wijnrek surfer with one such pleasant wijnrek dreams that .... hey .... come you wave? Takaaaa ..... you will not believe what music I've launched. No, not how to think and to know ... ugh ... to say it? .... (Sus! no one will know if you do not write it down!) ... Well one such kind disco hitcheta'm released from 97th C-Block and Nana, many digs them one time. And then somehow deafened - quite final and irrevocable .... Actually reminded you about them because of the lyrics - time is ticking away. I needed something with exactly this topic - you know, to calm the nervous system. Green reassuring say .... Off .... how to share now in short (if possible) case without stump of his sleeves wijnrek countless facts themselves will seem just as interesting as the dates and names in the history book? Well .... two words, wait and uncoupling. Globally, one and all, by all means, AAAAAAAAA! (Hmm, can not be written for this poem? Something like: wait and disconnect the balcony where you will jump wiped onva damn chick who says some new beauties or dull now I do not care I just want to know ... crazy fatigue'll not become something use procedure m ***********.). So .... (Pokashl, pokashl) .... It was, so to speak, a spontaneous outburst of "poetic" I kind :) :) Now I feel somehow better .... Actually wijnrek idiot in this situation is the mere fact that instead of enjoying (yeeee, leisure, free Time! Etc.) .... may, just not one to say so .... to say ... hubu me as I now do neither X nor Y nor brother-in will go to the library, I will take that book that I've been wanting to read .... Walk to the river to read it .... I'll answer the emails that I sit on kolkova time "unread" to remind me to answer them .... I will write some text messages .... I'll see if there are torrents new series of Doctor House, which I have not seen .... will .... (The latter will first have to clear the little space in your computer, such laziness!) .... So, instead of receiving them ishtah do all these nice and carrying a sense activities, I somehow now I'm just hanging like a warm winter fur coat on a hook and quietly wait for the season to come to me .... ... the other day I was listening to a radio in the morning and there as advertising or prizivche song for the radio itself (do not even remember what it was) .... you know what song is advertising as a time FM + singing "radio efemplyuyuyuyuyus first in Soofiyayayayaya" .... for aktualtni examples I can not think right now .... So, does this song or prizivcheto was "The best morning of your life" .... ... I saw interesting .... ... somehow interesting wijnrek that one morning might be the best ..... wondered .... wow .... if not this? .... not, for example, if you collect all finally all mornings, and gave them a six-point evaluation system - or perhaps stobalnata wijnrek - one still has to go out the best .... whether or not this shit .... and actually some incredibly cute poslaniytse is here .... best morning .... strange, is not it, somehow mornings .... say things like, "The day is known in the morning!", "chicken early sing!" .... or "What was not to become today with ass up!" .... And can anyone say "that was the best night of my life!" .... best night (breh! ....) ..... "The happiest day" ..... And in the morning .... what does shit to know in her day? Do you? ...... and I already I'm sick of this job, as I shared above! .... this permafrost morning of creeks sun on the horizon .... Broaching this idle waiting for me ..... sduhva going deep, zatsiklyam, izdivyavam .... and again sduhvam .... moths .... Summer is .... (Fuck) me .... give me a few tasks at once, and I watch the fun ... have action, deadlines, ihaaaaa! Such things generally.
Well what to advise: dig a well, weed lens, a road, build a pyramid, just to not burn the barracks of idleness. ;) Apparently there are people who like an awl in a sack can not wait to come to their season.
On the occasion of discomfort wijnrek after long absence

Friday, January 24, 2014

Flowers would be dried for a period of one to three weeks depending on weather schubladenbox condit

Sometimes it is enough just a simple candle or vase with fresh flowers. That way most of us bring joy and life to the room. But you are not always able to purchase fresh flowers, and when you encounter schubladenbox such a situation we can use the old trick - decorating with dried flowers.
The look of your living space can always be brought to perfection with the help of well chosen images, decorative elements. In our country there are millions of small shops that can provide you with this kind of arrangement for your home. But try to do something yourself, something of your taste. We will only suggest and up to you to decide whether you want to enter a new spirit schubladenbox into your home.
When choosing flowers for drying should be very careful, schubladenbox because it has all around us, but not all flowers can be dried and give us the desired result. Ideal for drying flowers is that which is wrinkled schubladenbox in the morning, while still not rascveteno, as if already rascveteno, and drying the leaves will drop. In order to be successful drying flowers need to pick a period when no moisture.
By the time you make the choice about the type of flowers should you choose schubladenbox a place where you droughts, would be exposed to the light during the day. Most common place for drying recommended wall in the kitchen where I made special hangers for drying.
Flowers would be dried for a period of one to three weeks depending on weather schubladenbox conditions. If you touch the leaves of the flowers, they are crispy, then we can say that the drying was completed.
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After meeting with Picasso and follow another collaboration. In 1929, Dalí collaborated with nadrea

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Flash news Strict rules for German soldiers increased number of cases of flu so far 3,328 French original way radio interview Obama asked four kg gold stolen from jewelery shop in Kumanovo oldest lake in Europe Tomorrow rain and snow for weekend chill Message threats to Slovenian Olympic Committee sold 70 percent vinoteca of tickets for the Winter Games in Sochi scandal EP. Commentators Icelandic Television: "slaughtered Austrians like Nazis in 1938." | Video Traditionally bathing fishermen in Ohrid
According to him, eroticism has always been ugly, aesthetics divine and beautiful death. The remarkable combination of bizarre halucinatni presented and excellent painting skill is the work of Salvador Felipe Domenek Hakint Are Domeneh
Spanish painter and protagonist of surrealism in France and the United States, commonly known as Salvador Dali loved to create unusual works in order to attract the attention of others, which sometimes irritates those who love his art and those who criticize the Given his eccentric attitude known to overshadow his work in the public eye.
He was born on 11 May 1904 in Figeras, in Catalonia, Spain, near the French border. His older brother also named Salvador, died nine months before the birth of the new Salvador. His father, Salvador Dali and Kuzi was high class lawyer and notary whose achievements were aided by his wife, Felipe Feres Domeneh that encouraged you to be artistically inclined. In just five years, have you been taken to the grave of his brother, his parents told him that he is his reincarnation in what he himself came to believe. For his brother, Dalí said: "We are like two are like two drops, but we had different reflections. He was probably my first version, but my brother's understood things too absolutist. vinoteca " Anna Maria's sister Do that as less admired the imagination of his brother. In 1949 she published a book about her brother, "Do the eyes of his sister."
He attended school painting, his first exhibition of his works did his father in their home. It was the first exhibition in his native Figeras in 1919. In 1922, he moved into the boarding house in Madrid and there studied at the Art Academy of San Fernando. While walking the halls of House attracted attention as an eccentric with long hair and bekenbardi, coat, socks and pants to his knees in the style of an English esthetician in the late 19th century. But his artwork, which experimented with Cubism, attracted the attention of many students. In his earliest Cubist works, he probably has not realized that the new direction developed, until it started began to appear in the then inscriptions journals, in which indicated that there were no other Cubist artists in Madrid at the time. Was kicked out of the academy in 1926, shortly before his final exams, when concluded that none of the faculty is not qualified enough to question vinoteca his knowledge, the same year he first visited Paris where he met Pablo Picasso, whom you admired . Picasso had already vinoteca heard about you from Joan Miro. They were then two of you and inspiration in those years painted many works which he developed his style.
After meeting with Picasso and follow another collaboration. In 1929, Dalí collaborated with nadrealistichniot film director Luis Buñuel on the short film, "Andaluzistichki Dog". Luis Bunuel told him the idea for the film who wanted to record vinoteca for his mother that investing money. His idea of whether vinoteca he saw average. The idea was to Lewis v.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

PS If you want to see and learn many new and interesting things, visit our Facebook page at: https:

Materials needed: darvenna wall hanger acrylic paints acrylic primer for wood lacquer, water-based glue or decoupage glue C-200 color motif decoupage paper masking locker accessories tape brushes soft sponge mat cutter
1. Sand fine wooden hanger with a damp cloth, clean the dust and remove the hanger. Acrylic primer for wood, color sky blue paint all wooden part of the rack. 2. Once the surface is completely dry, we make the 3 strips of masking tape at the same distance from each other. 3. Acrylic primer laying again, but this time with white.
5. Let dry and wet sponge begin to rub the entire surface of the rack. So the lines rub places and get effect "obsolete." 6. With proper scissors cut the selected motif for decoupage. 7. If our paper decoupage is the thickness of the magazines, pass the reverse side of the piece with a damp sponge to moisten it. However, if you use a tissue or rice paper, this step is not required. 8 and 9. Gluing taxi. Again, if you are working with a thicker sheet, as shown in this case, apply glue on the back of the image. In cases where working with a napkin, locker accessories glue inflict directly on the front of the napkin after we removed the redundant lower layers. When the adhesive should be exercised not to form bubbles under the surface of decoupage picture.
11. However to achieve the effect of "old" you can use a wide dry brush and white acrylic primer. Dip the brush into the primer. locker accessories Placing the napkin on which to rob the excess and almost dry brush pass the edge of the rack as the movement of the brush is a cross (X-shaped).
14. Again, brush a thin coat outline inboard of the rack about 1 cm away from the outside (the one in blue. 15 and 16. Decoupage Finish by applying several arms protective lacquer and mount hangers.
PS If you want to see and learn many new and interesting things, visit our Facebook page at:!/pages/%D0%9B%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD-%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3/378107482259981
2014 (9) January (9) 2013 (107) December (13) November (7) October (8) September (9) August (7) May (6) May (3) June (6) April (6) July (13) February (14) Happy Baba Marta Decoupage BLACK & WHITE Beautiful things from plastic bottles II Decoupage technique "Sospeso Trasparente" GRAPEFRUIT-natural antibiotic Men are from Mars, Women Venus Decoupage / Acrylic primer for wood and ceramic pova ... Recipe for Cream cakes Kinder-chocolate cream (type station) Cake Decoupage waffle plate on a wooden hanger Pets chewy easy and quick recipe Sugar modeling locker accessories paste / Fondant / Sugar coating ... Feng Shui January (15) 2012 (60) December (18) November (15) October (13) September (12) August locker accessories (2)
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Someone kabinett might be weird, kabinett someone kabinett totally unacceptable, but these designs

Are brought kabinett up in a society that must always be medium and smell the roses for not being weird. And precisely because of this the world's kabinett daily launder clothes worn only once, thus wasting enormous amounts of water and electricity.
But what if there is an alternative that will save natural resources and reduce energy costs!? The design of Lisa Marie Bengtsson called Bye Bye Laundry literally "Farewell clothes washing" and comes in the form of a metal hanger that has a filter on top full of activated charcoal.
And how does it work? Very simply, clothes hanging on a hanger in January that will attach anywhere, coal and leave to work for you and can absorb odors from clothes in order to delay the time of their washing machine.
This way of treating clothing is certainly kabinett not suitable for bottom cleaning, but intended only for the upper garment. The design is still in the prototype stage and not know if and when you start its mass production.
Someone kabinett might be weird, kabinett someone kabinett totally unacceptable, but these designs certainly are healthier kabinett since they are trying to save the Earth, without causing a hole in your wallet. Bravo!
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Legendary Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tim Draper invests in Bulgarian innovative company iMediashar

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Quality journalism is a matter of principles, professionalism, but also money. If you want to support the standards of "Capital", you can do so here. Thank you. Amount of donation: Donation Payment is by
Legendary Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tim Draper invests in Bulgarian innovative company iMediashare 30 Aug 2013
How often indulged in long and profound reflections on the hangers in your closet? Do not worry if the answer is never. In Bulgaria, however, there is a company that thinks on the subject two years and created a whole new marketing channel around (or under) hanging thermos flask in your closet thermos flask clothes. Business of EcoHangers is for 'very thermos flask simple idea that is difficult explain. " Radoslav Nikolay Bogdanov and Arnaoudov create hangers from recycled cardboard. Their size is large enough so as to print advertising messages. Choose your model, design of advertising and number of clips, and the company produces and distributes them in the largest thermos flask chain of dry cleaners in Bulgaria (a hope soon and not only there). The advertiser gets direct access thermos flask to customers, dry cleaning - free hangers and EcoHangers - working business model. "We call the product indoor billboards, explain to the" Capital "company founder Radoslav Bogdanov, because advertising inserted in the wardrobe of men." thermos flask The idea is not new, but not yet implemented by many large companies. In Bulgaria occurs first. The first "edition" of EcoHangers out in October - ten thousand hangers already advertised product of Studio Moderna in Sofia. A startup company now has dozens of inquiries - even from France, Romania and Nigeria. "In thermos flask Dubai, this business is very common and circulation, and the numbers are huge. Reason is their traditional clothing that every day provide a chemical" gives an example of Nicholas. "Our website is well optimized for search in Google," they just explain the rapid popularity both. Believe that there is a great demand for the product thermos flask and not enough supply. And wait for the first big draw to go without problems to take the next orders. Way of advertising to your bedroom "My colleague tested the same idea in India, thermos flask says Radoslav, and failed." The creator of EcoHangers has a degree in "Tourism" in Switzerland. There you see how advertising works on hangers in practice. He returned to Bulgaria and decided thermos flask to test the idea, despite the negative experience of his friend. "The thing that our ambition all the time, is that all thought can not happen," he says. Nikolai Arnaoudov to the project earlier this year. They have no experience in the design, engineering or production (Nicholas and currently teaches "Finance"). Business project germinates and grows at their leisure. Models of the hangers are painted on a glass of wine after work for months. Finally we come to four design. "The model with the plastic hook use it specifically for dry cleaning - there are production lines with a sharp edge that short outer hook if you put a heavy coat," exemplifies Nicholas. They learn by trial and error. "The assembly line at the dry cleaners changed. At one point we realized that they can no longer work with our hooks," explained the young company. Requires them to respond to movement and change the model you want at the moment. When all the details about the construction and design are clean, they get bored, they laugh. EcoHangers produce clips in different sizes and from different materials (but always recycled) thermos flask at prices between 40 and 80 v. Wider to print larger ads. Closer to be cheaper. thermos flask Made entirely of cardboard, if you hold the light clothing (even a model for lingerie hangers). "We are looking for how to make each model more interesting by adding some element thermos flask - stickers for discount, samples, breakable items," explains Nicholas. "You get a cross-marketing - the rack may have discount coupons, you can refer to the website, facebook page, shop," says Radoslav it. 1 2 Next Page " Here today, tomorrow elsewhere "
If this material you liked or want to express thermos flask solidarity with the specific topic or cause, you can support us financially with a small donation. Amount of donation: Donation Payment is by
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In my dry cleaning Mall Serdica / think Clean Zone / use them and I am terribly disappointed. Very inconvenient, cut the fingers, and they are more clothes thermos flask hangers and consequently more a nightmare to wear. Did not like, and it's an inconvenience this ad to me Coup

Sunday, January 19, 2014

This article is not meant to change bifold closet doors your life. This is just a small collection

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As a result of the intense pace that dictates the 21st century are increasingly faced with the fact that leisure time has become a luxury that can not always afford. In this context surely you read a lot of articles - offer a number of tips that will make life easier, but not everything that is written just as easily you can apply in your everyday life, right? And you also can drastically influence the pace of his life, because to be realistic, nothing happens overnight and it does not always depend bifold closet doors on you.
This article is not meant to change bifold closet doors your life. This is just a small collection of tips circulating around the web, as more or less well-known so-called "Life hacks" (animal tricks). Their beauty is being created by ordinary people, and their application is easy because they relate to everyday situations. There are many, and we have allotted to you the most interesting:
First Turn the hangers. In your closet certainly have clothes which you wear, whether bifold closet doors you realize it or not, but for various reasons it still stands there, filling the place visually. Do the following: to start all hangers turn the same side (eg right), and whenever you put something in his return to the closet, turn him the other way around the hanger (in our example - left). At the end of the season (or year-end) will know exactly what you wore and what was not dressed at all.
Second Come home on time. To avoid the late morning, here's an interesting tip. Make yourself a play-list, exact length of time as you need to're ready. The songs have a kind of gradation let - calmer than the more energetic. So, you know the daily stage of The preparation and if you late, based on the current tune to listen to.
3rd Ice cold drink. If you forget juice or beer to put it in the fridge, and you want to have an ice cold drink for a few minutes try the following: Place the package in a container with ice, add 2 tablespoons salt and add water to fill the container. About 3 minutes to get the same effect as drink all day was in the fridge.
4th Stop etc. "Brain freeze". When the ice cream you eat or drink ice cold drinks bifold closet doors quickly, almost always going to feel severe pain in the head area, particularly in the area where the sinuses spend. To prevent this unpleasant phenomenon currently, with strong language press palate of the upper jaw. The pain will disappear for a moment. The same can apply in a situation where you hurt her temples.
5th Sneeze quickly. If you have the urge to sneeze but remain stuck in the moment of "taking its toll", turn their eyes to bright light (sun, lamp, etc. ..) and you'll sneeze, thereby avoiding bifold closet doors nezgodnoto tickle in the nose, in situations where the fail that.
6th Watch the dark. Surely you had were to wake up in the middle of the night needing to go to the toilet or to drink a glass of water. And certainly annoys you when you return to bed in the dark where your eyes are not yet settled. Make the following bifold closet doors - before starting light, bifold closet doors cover one eye with your hand or put something over it. Keep it covered the entire time while the light around you. When I turned off the light, open the eye that you were covered. It was not as exposed to light still wide pupil and priviknato to see in the dark, so I will be closer to your bed in complete darkness in front of your eyes.
7th Palm as a measure. Weigh myself palm, from fingertips to wrist which divides the palm of your hand and remember bifold closet doors at that measure. Next time you find yourself in a situation bifold closet doors to metro around you, let them serve as a benchmark palm, to determine approximately the true dimension of what we want to measure.
8th Go directly to your floor with elevator. How to do it? Press together the number of your floor button to close the doors. Thus, even in cases where other numbers are pressed, the elevator bifold closet doors will take you to the desired bifold closet doors floor just you. This can be used when you do not want to stop the elevator floors where invited to collect passengers.
9th Check the remote. When the battery is weak remote, unwritten rule is that all the buttons: Press harder. But how do you know if it ever really work or just to change the battery? Turn on the camera on your phone and look at the screen, and remote "targeted" towards bifold closet doors the camera and keep clicking on ac

Aubrey Road

Needed: - a wooden tray that collects and spreads - tape - scissors - tempera. The places you want to form stripes, zlepete pieces of duct tape. In some places they can be heavily glued to each drigi, some less. With a variety of colors, the ones that suit you, ofarbajte all places on a hanger and allow them a few minutes to dry nicely. Then remove the tape and spaces add points in one or more rows. Finally Once you dry all parts equally, izlakirajte entire area of the hanger with bow wood to avoid damage during disassembly or it could be dusting. I hope you liked this insignificant decoration that creates significant xavier malisse interiors :)
Aubrey Road
Color Collective

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hanger has long been known household utensils. But its history is much shorter than the history of

How did the clothes hangers | Something For Everyone
Hanger has long been known household utensils. But its history is much shorter than the history of clothing. The first mention of hangers is in the XVI century. They have appeared in France and were too bulky with highly rounded shoulders. It is believed to have been designed for military uniforms and clothing of the clergy. Long clothes were kept in special cases, but they were placed and jewelry, stocks of food, etc.. To find something in this box has been problematic. Not every box had compartments for small items. By the end of the XVI century, people gotten smarter and started putting clothes vertically. sterilite storage Thus was born the closet. Here you can hang clothes on nails driven into it. This kept the clothes to 1869, when OA Norton received a patent for a "coat hanger". In 1903 Albert Parhauz invented hanger distorted by phone he was an ordinary worker in factory wires. The enterprising owner of the factory patented his invention, but its inventor himself remained worker for the rest of their lives. According to another version coat hangers invented Bostanskiya University student Christopher Cannes in 1876. In 1932, C. Hewlett began using cardboard pads on clothes hangers. And in 1935 was applied to the lower band pants. It was an idea of Elmer D. Rogers. 1935 is the year of birth of the rack, which is now in every wardrobe, for it has no boundaries in diversity. sterilite storage Hanger sterilite storage can be used as a decoration in the home. Fine hangers perfectly fit into the interior of the hall and give it grace, especially when combined with other items forged in the situation.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 at 1:17 and is filed under History, curiously. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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From ordinary metal hangers you can easily make a practical solution for a roll of toilet paper. Yo

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Check dis throw Lego Star Wars art Posted at 10:58 am Yes, faculty dream really exist! Posted at 15:06 Here's what happens to men when a woman will reach the chest and another at 14:34 Posted Insepshn geography Posted in 13:36 This is the first video uploaded to YouTube Posted at 12:08 pm
The primary requisite to any wardrobe besides hanging clothes can also be used for other purposes. Simple ideas with ordinary pliers will save you time, space and place it in a completely unexpected way.
Wooden hangers are a great prop for hanging items on shelves and coats. This practical and innovative shelf can do it yourself with the help of several wooden hangers, wooden planks and glue.
From ordinary metal hangers you can easily make a practical solution for a roll of toilet paper. You need skilled hands and pliers that will change the original shape and will make a new hanger.
This simple solution does not require any effort, enough with plastic hanger brackets to attach the review place in the kitchen and attach it to the recipe book. This is a great idea for skilled housewives.
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Friday, January 17, 2014

Weighs ... my dilemma for some time, like this one:

Weighs ... my dilemma for some time, like this one: "I know what I want from life, but what life wants from me?" Or why it will not let Pushtina was? I believe (or I want to believe) that I formed, and then choose your profession, around early puberty. Since then my first clearly defined: "I want ...", "I'll ..." unrelated typical children, "astronaut, policeman, fireman," "I want cotton candy", "I want a kids disco "... Okay, here's the first big step behind my back, but fuck, why straddled the second is so slow? Even too, as I begin to feel a strange sense of infidelity to my professional passion. I want to become more serious, but hey it for so long stone, yet you do not want to work there boss or 2000 steam from the first month. But even a ratty internship glasslock position does not fall. Crisis you wrong time you bad luck .... I do not know, but I will. Because I'm sick of my current irregular and symbolic financial revenues. From the oppressive sense of stagnation, therefore retardation, therefore hopelessness. A bit like Zeno's paradox, the more you walk, the more you sit in the same place. Like fish in an aquarium. Drop transparent walls in which you're told to live. You surpass glasslock them ... no air. Bass, it is clear that I can line up alongside edinaysetoklasnitsite McDonald smack balls, but 25 I start yet to be ajar in my craft? Then you heptene glasslock no one waiting for me. Dilemma or a shitty job or stalled ... ... Sweet, bitter, what?
:) You alone gives the answer - it is very nice that Zeno's paradox. If I can add something to it, it will be that the most important journey of life are those who are inside you - in your head and heart. Just not miscarry who had said. And from my personal experience ... you know what he wants from you, life is not always associated with the profession. Even very rarely associated with it. And you do not have to work what they entail - on the contrary, but until you get to it, there's nothing else I pay attention. Reply Delete
Saty's, life is neopitomimo animal glasslock humor. A few hours after my post ... I got a call to work. "We stopped you, come Tuesday, 9:15 in the office." Obviously you should You make it more chestichko challenges that you go. :) He's got to dance ... the word is time. But I think for an artist, was even in the most dummy category ... greatest torment is not embody the thoughts, feelings, impressions in the works. Talk about what creativity without posture, carelessly, mannerism ... what if you do not realize they flattened. And I love to write ... Reply Delete glasslock
Oh, well, let's glasslock success! Yes, life is a funny thing with a strange sense of his pupils ... and you very well have said that there is art, where if you do not express it, "they flattened" :). Success! And I apologize for the delay, but now I'm almost without a computer with him and catch up when I can. Reply Delete
Hello, dear reader :) Thank you for your willingness to share your wisdom, please write to Bulgarian ;). It is desirable that you are not anonymous simply does not make sense, and no one would take your opinion seriously in that case! Thanks and enjoyment through our fields :)
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Work "if you want" uses the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative prl 6; displayed glasslock 2.5 Bulgaria contract. Based on the following work: Please respect the authors work! - If you wish to use any of the published articles here, Comply with the legal provisions of the license, signed by the authors of a blog

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Modernikot not realize that cutting the tree before Bristol cuts its aura.

LENKA Never can we hurt nature unless we act against their own welfare
"You're, oh baby, born of a particular tree. You are a branch of that tree. No matter how remote branch pantry organizers from the tree, still link between the warehouse and the trunk and branch. But if something is set between the stem and branch, link and food interrupted. Then the branch pantry organizers must dry out and die. Think about it, oh baby, and his being poveruvaj you are destined pantry organizers to return pantry organizers to your Creator. He is the stem from which grow. Because rollback all dirt and whole burden of the material world, to disappear all that stop you go back to his sublime vnatershen world to his tree to its origin. "
How well and how damn true-imponirachka thinking of the great mystic, alchemist and astrologer, Hermes Trismegistos. True contemplation of ottrgnatosta man of naturalness. There's something in here would zlosrekjno dim and today's modern man: vozgordeaniot capitalist (to sound more softly "economist") on the one hand, and those entrancing Homo consumens, manipulated consumer on the other. pantry organizers They both like to be raised in some closet, hang the hanger on the unconscious, that can not see and feel the trunk, which apejronot boravi in his every cell, every animal and plant. Yes, that tree is what "Ex nihilo", divine pantry organizers particle. That tree is nature in each of us. With us, but the eyes are blind. When senses insensitive.
Smog is set as an obstacle between the trunk and the branch. The branch begins to fade and dry. Immense pollution in Skopje, Tetovo, Kicevo, Bitola cripple branch. Who is to blame for MS particles - Does the system or themselves? Or both, given that we do the system? The relationship pantry organizers of the modern, "civilized" man against nature became deeply hostile. He reshaped nature towards his needs without realizing that victory, more and more, becomes pantry organizers equal to destruction. pantry organizers Podzamizhuva to the fact that natural resources are its limit, pantry organizers it can be exhausted and that nature pantry organizers will fight against human greed (smelter in Veles and everyday Fukushima reminded of it). Industrial (capitalist - competitively) society nurtures pantry organizers no resentment against nature - and against all things that do not come from money and machines. In terms of the neo - liberal capitalism industries can not be expected to willingly commit economic murder, even to people would be saved. Because of our sins evil got human form, and attempting to destroy evil, you make an effort over the man. People love the place next disaster victim (leaving job at a company polluting) that should be filed immediately. Businesses today not to sacrifice growth to save the planet tomorrow. Grotta people mantra of money and material, over mechanical, engrossed with lifeless and - increasingly - the destructive. And instantly resent and erupt when someone touched them it mantrachko area, which consider long conquered, forgetting what the fundamental, essential - when the laws of the state or business conflict with the laws of humanity and naturalness, the right man must to choose the latter!
Modernikot not realize that cutting the tree before Bristol cuts its aura. "Civilized" does not realize that became a "monster" of nature. Modernikot not realize that our body vibrates at the same frequency with the one that vibrates the whole nature, trees, animals .. Modernikot not understand how we are connected to nature, how we "earthling". Modernikot not realize that the diseases are coming because of the disturbed pantry organizers natural balance and that the drug is not in corporate pharmacy (scientists, usually under the auspices of corporations so skillfully that will entice nature fails, that your body is a random error and that nothing good is occurs without chemical intervention). It realizes that his consciousness tehnologizacijata pantry organizers (with marksovski dictionary - society creates awareness, and not vice versa) made largely independent of natural pantry organizers conditions and the physical distance, ottugjile of his own nature.
"For the employee, even the need for open air ceases to be necessary, the man returns to the cave, but it is contaminated with Stinky breath of civilization pantry organizers in which he moves like a stranger, temporary and insecure, which can each day to escape from that every day can be thrown if not paid. The house of death he must pay. Light, air, etc.., The simplest animal cleanliness, ceases to be a human need. Reproduction element becomes dirt, that decay, rotting human cloaca of civilization. "
The question of why people Grotta (modernicite) continue to be unaware of

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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Filipko Blog Archive Hanger with visnato MADE
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From plain wooden hanger made monument for its martyr role to anyone is service to visnata charged with clothing and how much you can not stand I had to ask the high wall away from the human hand to went from pampurcheto cubby hole a traveler who is not a fan of the art but it there in the heart of the city iznagleda balls of horses from nearby monuments placed high on pedestals to the warriors who ride in the eyes of people who are Pulat get the necessary size and intentional in pulachi Monuments have seen balls, but they also like the hanger wondered why are pendulous and
what size the horse has MADE it so resolute cubby hole and defies gravity My intention was to odadam the hanger respect, to acquire rest but that poor martyr prokopnala something hanging on it even MADE the horse had always cubby hole the ones to watch I did not have the heart to refuse and night, for no protests and unrest among purists, and it visnav one MONUMENT MADE and got the final appearance and name-hanger with visnato MADE and Glory
This entry was posted on June 16, 2012 at 7:22 am and is filed under Poetry. . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 14 Responses to "Hanger with visnato MADE" mastape Says: June 16th, 2012 at 7:25 am
Wait, wait Mastape got money for the monument, not how to withdraw from the account, cubby hole give me an invoice for consulting services related to the position of MADE filipko Says: June 16th, 2012 at 7:30 am
Kjedadam response as I imagine ljuovta without madinja.Znachi song is called Love without balls, but is not it a metaphoric meaning, which is not considered an offense filipko Says: June 16th, 2012 at 9:51 am
What I'm doing now with heaps of money I came to account for a monument to the hanger visnato MADE not much material only goal wall and tree martyr And I'm a firm to withdraw just like you'll find that overseas consultant Like the advise me whether should MADE hanging slightly left or right what resistance of gravity should be displayed and what was the ratio of the hanger cubby hole to be MADE into pulachot monuments remain impressed I'll issue gjoakonsultantot inflated invoice will not transfer money and money together go to Casablanca Leave a Reply
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Sunday, January 12, 2014

killed a pregnant woman and three girls returned to the confinement, crashed into a truck and kille

Company Serbo-Russian shoe boxes Friendship Association and the Serbian-Russian community "Testament" from Bijeljina initiated in Visegrad build a monument to the Russians who died as soldiers of the Army of the Republic of Serbian during the war in Bosnia and spomniku discovered these days, are inscribed the names of 37 Russian volunteers , writes the Belgrade-based B92. However, according to the Daily Avaz Sarajevo, the monument was not met with the approval of BiH. Dr. Fikret Bečirović, research associate of the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the Sarajevo University, shoe boxes says part of the Serbian troops shoe boxes were mostly Ukrainians, shoe boxes Russians and Romanians, and their trip is organized by a specialized agency in Belgrade led by Vojislav Seselj which for several years now on trial in The Hague for crimes in Vojvodina, Croatia and Bosnia. - The organ played a key role, because he was the main liaison with the planners, the customers and logisticians war of aggression in Bosnia and Herzegovina. To resolve all military issues for the RS in Belgrade was in charge of Major John Đogo. Through these agencies from the former Yugoslavia forcibly mobilized and transferred to Bijeljina barracks 4,500 people in the Republic of Serbian Krajina and 1500 RS - hard Bečirović for Daily Avaz. Bečirović adds that foreign shoe boxes mercenaries and forcibly mobilized from Serbia then sent to the Main Staff of the VRS, but also directly shoe boxes in units like White Eagles, Sabotage Detachment of the Sarajevo shoe boxes Romanija Corps, First Brigade of Sarajevo. The associations of war victims say they were shocked that a number of graves of victims are not marked, while the "aggressor troops" are building monuments, writes Daily Avaz
You rocked with oruzljem TO HR 1993, but after only a letla sljaga for sljgom son to boast but Cetnik who Cetnik nor has anyone shoe boxes in my onojni shoe boxes even this glavi.Jebo Savo Strbac.trba you again to catch the balls and polupati out head otherwise you will never stop srat.Samo this time we will throb with you in Sumadija now your turn even just to Vojvodina to indigenous and then you're in the Quran ..
You rocked with oruzljem TO HR 1993, but after only a letla sljaga for sljgom son to boast but Cetnik who Cetnik nor has anyone in my onojni even this glavi.Jebo Savo Strbac.trba you again to catch the balls and polupati out head otherwise you will never stop srat.Samo this time we will throb with you in Sumadija now your turn even just to Vojvodina to indigenous and then you're in the Quran ..
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Saturday, January 11, 2014

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