Friday, November 14, 2014

Cesarean section is a major surgery that carries all the risks of surgery for the mother, incl. dea

Nikolay Barekov not homework. edra Not that this surprises someone who occasionally morning run BTV-tout. Mr. Barekov often woefully ill-prepared for the themes in the show, but still wells up scene. Like this morning: "For or against cesarean."
Mr. Barekov you know from birth, as I nuclear energy. However, you live with the idea that you are indispensable edra for the Bulgarian national air and it gives you the power not only to demonstrate the shocking ignorance, but to keep the ugly, disrespectful and dismissive edra guests as they eat airtime with meaningless nonsense neglect.
"For or against cesarean?" It is ridiculous to put such a topic. Even assuming that he does not put you and the writers of the show, it is absurd to be approved in its current form. Cesarean section is a surgical procedure to clear (or not so) evidence and no sane person can not be "for" or "against". Cesarean sometimes life-saving operation. You can put the question of when and what are the indications for operative rodorazreshnie, but you can not afford such a simplistic and almost vulgar approach to such an important topic. Insult and underestimate your viewers. Birth is not a sensation, and probably the most important and intimate moment in the lives of mothers and their children. However, you are in a hurry to share his experiences in the army. Believe me, the two have nothing in common. And the fact that mechanically repeating platitudes in prime time, and the Bulgarian national airplay, speaks very badly for you. And it should be clear - you are never born, and will be born. You do not know what birth even from the theoretical part. And once you're ready, we had to keep quiet and leave Anton Hekimyan his job. (He, by the way, has repeatedly proven that he is doing much better than you.)
Cesarean section is a major surgery that carries all the risks of surgery for the mother, incl. death. I do not know who you are misled to believe that this is a "civilized way of birth" and the place of natural birth is somewhere back in the Middle Ages. Do not know where you have formed the view that a long labor is necessarily painful for the mother and the baby, so there is nothing better than to be reduced to a short surgery. Do not know if you cut right abdominal muscles with a scalpel to afford whatever was speaking on the subject.
Mr. Barekov, you are personally responsible for spreading misinformation among viewers. You do not make a distinction between edra active and orchestrated edra birth between assisted and unassisted homebirth (otherwise you would never think of how idiotic remark in the US all my born at home), you just bondage of prejudice and obsession with greatness. Unfortunately for them inflicting numerous audience every morning. Allow to interrupt the guests who unlike you have knowledge on that place. I do not know what you're doing tonight, but apparently did not prepare for the transfer edra of the next morning. Research throwing ill-ous half-truths in a pot, stir and enjoy the furor.
Otherwise expressly to keep podechertaya edra that "natural" does not support an unassisted homebirth and considered the risks BULGARIAN conditions in which there is no legal basis for regulated home births nor adequate infrastructure in the event of any complications.
Well, Yana, than worry about Russian doctors. Probably at their hospitals edra is crazy. Under -as my sister and my brother we were born in Varna, at home, on the same bed in the same room. But it was in the 30s and early 40s. My daughter, in the 70s was born in Cairo cesarean. The doctor tells me a whole hour that the operation is necessary to save the mother and child. edra Agreed and everything was fine.
Probably their hospitals the same carelessness or corruption as ours. I say "probably" because I'm edra not aware, but I have reason to suppose. Otherwise I know a lot of girls who were born their children at home in the last few years, one without complications, but that does not mean you recommend it as a means of birth for the general audience. However hat douse them. For many things.
Bravo, Yana! None normally thoughtful woman will choose surgery. Natural childbirth is just natural. My opinion / of a woman born with a lot of love 23 years ago one ejjjik:)) / is that currently give birth by caesarean edra section on request is a demonstration of money on frills, of pampering and fashion buns. Quite another to survive edra the mother and baby operation. And as Barek - pass over it ... It is a pity that you have an audience. edra
For some reason I do not seem to be able to watch the video, it stops after the 5th minute or so. Do not even know if Iva gets to say

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