Saturday, March 15, 2014

By militias xs vt based on people from the tribe of Gaddafi and African soldiers armed to the teeth

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Imagine someone who has a family argument and hear the door bell to call home. Police has heard some voices high and now wants to know what happened, to undertake and adhere to any side or another. Seen inappropriate. Equally foreign country has no authority xs vt to interfere in the internal affairs of another country.
We departure from point that sovereignty is the most sacrosanct thing. Where all people should be him, and he alone, to decide how to run and run by. Meanwhile no democracy in each country operate and therefore not every government enjoys full legitimacy to give the people. There are democratic xs vt countries, xs vt there are others xs vt that are less democratic countries are not democratic at all. But flawed as the system is flawed which is being run country, not justifiable and confers no right to any country interfering in the internal affairs of the country concerned.
At the same time, unless you are write, the situation in Libya will increasingly worse. So far we do not know how many people lost their lives in the riots and the response to them by the Libyan army. Although the Libyan popular xs vt story began awakening against authoritarian government, and inspired by the Tunisian and Egyptian neighbors, we see that the model is not the same apply in the case of Libya.
By militias xs vt based on people from the tribe of Gaddafi and African soldiers armed to the teeth with weapons and ammunition sold to them by Europeans, and the use of karrottu xs vt and Dipstick xs vt on residents of Tripoli, is given the idea of civil war between the people itself.
The situation takes another perspective when erupt in violence being carried out crimes against humanity, such as genocide, the killing of innocent people, so as to appear that the order is maintained. Such a situation leads to could be justified interference groups in other countries to stop the genocide, the murder of the innocent.
As in the case of a family argument, if tiżbroffa part in violence and seeking help, nistennewha Police to take action. The problem is that the countries of the world which neither government nor police. To have it coalitions of countries xs vt that changed from day to day and great interest especially when the country has a resource such as oil. The problem therefore complicate well.
Because it not matter that a country or group of countries under the auspices of an international organization or another, are sending humanitarian aid, medicines, food or clothes, or being taken innoċentement refugees caught amidst the fire.
This is leading to a situation where the intervention must be military, which has used and will use force sovereign country. Generally such intervention should not be done by any individual. Even here does not mean that there is any easy solution. xs vt The history of intervention by NATO countries in the Balkans is a recent one and probably not even taken all the lessons that were taken.
Intervention can therefore not be acceptable for the same people who in his interest xs vt being made. Yours may arise doubt about what the primary interest of the person making xs vt the intervention, and thus the ideal of popular and free resurrection

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