Thursday, March 20, 2014

I would try I give an answer to your question:

'INDIGNADOS' is Spanish word referring to someone outraged or, in other words, imdaghdagh with disgust. Technically, it is the name of a platform Spanish digital (on the Internet) mdp to connect people united against the unemployment, bad pay, sub-contracts, precarious mdp work and youth exploitation . More particularly, the word 'Indignados' held such title for anyone who is outraged by the economic and political system of his country. Ongoing protest movement of "Indignados started with contacts hundred digital social network, but most of 'Democracia Real YA (Vera Democracy mdp NOW) and" Juventud Sin Futuro (Youth Without Future). Nets were strung mdp on Twitter and Facebook. Were combined as' Indignados in January 2011 for organizing protests sixty Spanish city on 15 May of that year. Then, the issue around 130,000 Internet got soul in Spanish squares. Madrid mdp only came up 50000, 15000 Barcelona, and in cities such as Granada and Malaga ruh 5,000 each. Support Spaniards, on the same day were also demonstrations in Dublin, Lisbon, mdp Amsterdam, mdp Istanbul, Bologna, London and Paris. Somewhat, mdp it can be said that the protests that began then still going today. Within a few years, mdp the movement of "Indignados shootings continued protest which stated already participated with 8 million people. She protest spread over several continents and among various peoples. In gzirijietna, remove some youths to add them on both hands, many of us do not even ever heard of 'Indignados! Three columns This protest movement is not isolated. Started in December 2010 in Tunisia mdp (which ended the dictatorship of Ben Ali), continued in January 2011 in Egypt (who completed the domination of Mubarak), in Yemen, Bahrain and Syria, then, in February 2011, f'Westconsin and Ohio (America) and later in Spain. Also continued in Greece (May 2011), in North America with the occupation of Wall Street (September 2011) and other locations all over 2012 today. Among the countries that speak the English language, the movement of "Indignados mdp 'is known as' Together occupyi. The name inspired occupation of Wall Street in New York. The work of this movement - which began on Canadian initiative - rests on three pillars: First, withstood (Resist) - In the spirit and tradition of civil disobedience, the partners take to the streets mdp and protest against the appetite of corporations, the abuse of power and economic disparity. Second, SHIFT (restructure) - In the spirit of the idea that 'change the world start us (Gandhi) partners to guide others in taking action to give evidence collected in public places culture based on the community and help each other. Third, Create (remix) - The partners join to make fundamental mdp changes in the political, economic, social and / or religious. Four realities On 29 September 2011, 100, 000 ruh occupying the financial district of New York (Wall Street) approved a statement on the objectives of the movement occupys Together 'and' Indignados'. The statement begins by making four fundamental points, namely: "As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality:" The future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; "Our system requires protects our rights and, as a corruption of that system, it is for individuals to protect their own rights and those of their neighbors, "While the democratic government obtain its power from the fair people, corporations do not get the permit none to abrading the wealth from the people and from the Earth, and "No true democracy can not be achieved when the process is determined by economic power." L The statement continues to say that our time "is a time when corporations - which place profit before people, the gain before the justice, and oppression before equality - being run governments." This is the same time and the same reality that we are living in gzirijietna. Say because we are not outraged?
I would try I give an answer to your question: "Would you say because we are not outraged?" I believe that the lack of protests in Malta is due to these reasons: 1.) In the absence of articles or journalists who are critical of the economic model that we have in our country. Hear any case that ended the Court House

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