Saturday, March 15, 2014

The experiment failed KSU statute until the end. Failed because the party interference and rising s

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Every year when the election arrives for University Students Executive Council nirraguna finish with someone on representative hampered systems and the "winner Takes all" election. Each year is too nikkonkludux while some of them political unity "dragging" the seats of the executive.
Uploaded judgment on facebook hampered this morning after I saw that both Luciano Busuttil hampered and Joseph Cuschieri were encouraging students to vote for unity PULSE. Ikkumentali Mark Vella and wegibtu series of comments now sincerely ghajjejt nirrepetihom. (* And after gibidli attention Philip Leone-Ganado realized that the invitation was for Cuschieri and Busuttil KSJC election - all that I say here still apply to KSU, in the case of other matter KSJC I believe that politics should never come up post-secondary levels).
The experiment failed KSU statute until the end. Failed because the party interference and rising still failed because the image is given an annual one of a fight PLPN in microcosm of the Qroqq. hampered But successful many other areas. I was on campus two weeks ago and saw a campus busiest - many shops true - but behind the doors of the corridors Lower House Student who is heard to strive for its unity, seen noticeboards ruptured and saw notices many many ideas and turning. After the noise of a very influential actor is doing so well and thanks for structures of the new KSU (now past 17 years but let's think that the ongoing experiment) which among other controversial and worked and left to who works. After the accusations and cries of opposition party and a stabbing survivor and going in his university life brings jirrprezenta events and while it may rely on that Monolit which is the council representative for the oldest in Europe.
Inhallikom text of the conversation (more real-like but Anyway my monologue), and hope that if (like every year) there x'tiddiskuti doing informed and without too much bias.
MV Do not know what the PSC. But KSU ideal, as Parliament is ideal for me, it is proportionally representative body of all voices in the University, and no winner Takes ending for reproducing the partitokrazija 'of major.
JRZ Yes Mark, and share your views with many other KPS did not listen and still using terms like "monopartitiku totalitarian system" and "Winner Takes All". The truth (and irony) is that the actual system designed on two principles are paramount to the representation and participation. When the system hampered is intended the new KSU, it was a radical view was designed precisely with the idea that as far as the "foreign interference" supporters hampered disappears, especially in the design of policies that are intended to represents students.
The KSU is not only the executive but (and I say this without considering that any tampering that may become available from 1996 onwards) is composed of a group of representative organs hampered - each with a role and a specific car.
The PSC (Social Policy Commission) which embraces every union and political organization and not a campus and creating plays and draw political positions on any extra-curricular field. When properly been operated PSC issued a clear and decisive political positions (species of a set of principles) - still very proud with KSU took the position that a basis of the PSC document before the election hampered of 1998 . Is the PSC to ensure the idea of Parliament and even nor is proportionate in the sense that any body should vote - if anything it's shortcomings that had entered. Ideally also proportionally elected body such.
The EC (Education Commission) hampered is another body which automatically collects all the student academic representatives (Reps and Faculty Senate and Council). Again this represents a political draw the whole catchment area student.
The head of the system, as well as the machine is the executive. It was created with the aim to operate policies made by the EC and PSC. Does not create policy but jwettaqa. The system failure was (and still is) that the organs are not used properly - particularly the executive and the election of its members. hampered It happens

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